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What do you guys think of the naval bombings in Puerto Rico?

Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

If you do not live in the United States or Puerto Rico, I doubt you would really care.


I believe the United States should continue the naval bombing excersizes in that island part of Puerto Rico (it shall be referred as of now as V Island). Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States which means it has the protection of the United States military. If the Puerto Ricans want the United States to stop the bombings, then I think they should go protect themselves. Puerto Ricans are tax-exempt from taxes passed by Congress and only pay taxes passed by whatever Puerto Rico's legislative government is and that money goes to Puerto Rico and yet they reap many of the same benefits as people living in the country. Every state in the mainland (including Alaska and Hawaii) does their part to for the defense of the country by allowing the military to have bases here and there as well as academies. If Puerto Ricans want to have the protction of the U.S. military, they should ontribute something.


Note: I'm not sure about the tax thing but I believe I'm right. Oh, and R9 I waiting for your cynical objective comment as usual. I don't look forward to reading it, but I must keep a clear mind and accept other people's opinions. That is until I rule the world! wink.gif



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Guest Rogue 9

yes for a short period you may rule it, until one of your guards is corupted and assasinates you. tongue.gif

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Guest Grand_Admiral_Ice

Your immaturity as well as your adulthood mixed together has made many of your posts confusing to me. What is this Bikini Atoll?



May the Force screw you everything you do except sex or should you get screwed? Stop you're confusing me.

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Guest Rogue 9

Bikini Atoll is where we tested several nuclear bombs. a few naval shells and bombs won't make much more of a difference. and what your stating is immaturity is actually just not beating around the bush as so many people are inclined to do.


Which part of that did you find immature, I am quite serious about both of those posts. I am very much against a one world government and will opposse it strongly should it ever come into being.


[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited June 09, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue 9

I can answer question 3, he came from RS.Net, feel free to go over there and talk to him if you wish.

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Puerto Rico is a territory of the united states as such we own it and they do as we say. Since they are not a state people living their do not have to pay federal taxes. However they can be drafted like the rest of us and are US citizens. The range should stay as it is US property. I agree with Nute and I really don't like you very much.


Zaarin: a computer was designed to better help the military understand how they could kill the enemy better. So you can then say that the computer is helping kill poeple, so it must now be classified as a weapon. (an in a pinch the mouse in military models have a small explosive. Pull the cord, double click, throw it and duck.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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INFORMATION WARFARE is what they call it now.

You can do all sorts of neat things, like make sure that sewage bypasses the cleaning process and is immediate released into the water system as drinking water. Or mess up their air traffic control system. or open the valves at a oil depot when there's no truck there and start up the pumps. Or you can deactivate navigational buoys outside enemy ports. Or...

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

If those latino pansies have a problem with us dropping bombs in their frickin' sugar field, perhaps we should start giving our pilots sake before sending them up and see if that doesn't improve their aim.


BANZAI-I-! <font size=1>*Hic!*</font> biggrin.gif


(Zoom = joking)

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That may be one of the current uses of computers (which I am totally opposed to), but certainly not the one for which they were designed. You have to look back centuries for the origins of the driving principles of computers, and even a lot of the more complex operation has its roots far further back than most people think. Most of this (the parts that have accurate records, at least) was nothing to do with the military. Besides, even if some of the things behind computers were originally designed for military purposes, they almost certainly would have happened anyway.

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The 2 driving forces for invention are, and always have been: War and sex.

War can be a huge motivation in discovery of new technologies (find new ways to kill your enimies and save yourself before they discover it themselves and kill you first!), but then so can human reproduction.

Without confict all the techno-toys we have now would eventually have been discovered and invented, but at a different pace, and for much different reasons.

Im sure you are all aware of the fact that the first recorded instance of a mechanical clock had to do with some Chinese emperor timing his "visits" with his various wives and concubines at night.

I won't even go into the obvious, more recent examples of image and video technologies, or the World Wide Web. Many of these things had thier roots in military uses, but when poeple discovered "other" uses for them that's when the real innovations and refinements began.



[This message has been edited by edlib (edited June 10, 2001).]

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