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Urban Maps

Master Leffe

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Coruscant. Taris. Manaan. Etc... Why can't these maps be made playable in skirmish? When I bought the game, I wanted big space battles, yes, but I was also looking forward to ground battles. And while I like the wholw "grassland battlefield" look, I'd love for a skirmish battle to have the ability to take place in a city. Like you can do in Galactic Conquest. Is there any way to make this work? Who cares about naming it or getting a pic of it at the skirmish map select, I just want to play them!

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Coruscant. Taris. Manaan. Etc... Why can't these maps be made playable in skirmish? When I bought the game, I wanted big space battles, yes, but I was also looking forward to ground battles. And while I like the wholw "grassland battlefield" look, I'd love for a skirmish battle to have the ability to take place in a city. Like you can do in Galactic Conquest. Is there any way to make this work? Who cares about naming it or getting a pic of it at the skirmish map select, I just want to play them!




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...Because the AI has a pathing problem with the narrow streets?; I suggest this since when playing GC mode on land, the AI units just sit there like a duck waiting to be bombed.


The units do not seem to know howe to navigate to you unless rather close to them.


So, just leave the maps out...


But it should be fine for MP land skirmish.

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