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Fog of War


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I did a search on this but didn't find anything. I apologize if its already been talked about. Is there any way to turn off or greatly extend the fog of war in both space and ground battles? Especially on the ground, FOW is ridiculous. Units can't see more than 50 yards in front of them. Any ideas on how to mod this? Any existing mods out there?

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Yes, you can. About the ground FOW you talk about, it's one of most irritating things (fixed in EaW:TR). To extend ONLY the FOW in land and/or space (not attack ranges etc etc), you must edit the entry:


<Land_FOW_Reveal_Range> </Land_FOW_Reveal_Range>




<Space_FOW_Reveal_Range> </Space_FOW_Reveal_Range>


They can be found in the unit description you're looking for. For example, to edit T4B fow range, you open Groundvehicles.xml, to edit Corellian Corvette's fow range, you open Spaceunitscorvettes.xml and so on.

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Yes, you can. About the ground FOW you talk about, it's one of most irritating things (fixed in EaW:TR). To extend ONLY the FOW in land and/or space (not attack ranges etc etc), you must edit the entry:


<Land_FOW_Reveal_Range> </Land_FOW_Reveal_Range>




<Space_FOW_Reveal_Range> </Space_FOW_Reveal_Range>


They can be found in the unit description you're looking for. For example, to edit T4B fow range, you open Groundvehicles.xml, to edit Corellian Corvette's fow range, you open Spaceunitscorvettes.xml and so on.


So you're saying I need to place the "/" before Land and before Space in the entry? Just checking because I'm not that good with this stuff.

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No, he's saying that under each unit type, there's a line that says something like...



What you need to do is change whatever number is there (400 in this case) to something much higher.


Keep in mind that this needs to be done to all the units, or some of them will still have the old view range.


Personally, I just drastically increased the sight range of land-based sensor nodes, which made them actually worth building. That might not be a big enough change for you, though.


If you want to TOTALLY get rid of the FOW, there's something in GAMECONSTANTS.XML that might do it for you;


There's a line there that reads... <Tactical_Overrun_Multiple>3.0f</Tactical_Overrun_Multiple> <!-- Permanently reveals FOW when X-1 odds reached. -->


Change that number to 0.0f, and the FOW should be removed instantly.


Also in the same XML are these lines:




That, I believe, is the number of seconds before the FOW "closes back up" after your units leave the area. Increasing that number keeps the area visible longer after you've left.


Have fun!

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