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Creating starsystems


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Hi. I was wondering if it's possible to create starsystems, rather then individual planets.


I would like to reproduce Earth with all 9 (10) planets if possible. Have the planets at a specific distance from each other etc in one map (so that you can take your fleet to any of the 9 planets at any time, or have all 9 planets on individual maps but still within the same system.


For example... making Earth habitable and the other 8 non-habitable. If Earth is captured, the entire system is lost. However you can capture ANY of the 9 planets and get control of just that planet. Non-habitable planets would have "space only" for spacestations. No ground.


Is it possible, and if so how? Or will this be available through one of the modding tools "soon to be released" ? A response would be nice :)


If anyone needs more info on my idea, i'm glad to answer any questions. But I need an answer first :p

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This should be possible when the modding tools(map editors anyway) are released. After all, if you can scult a landscape and create a starsystem with them, it should be even easier to set up system on a GC edit mode. As for the Earth control thing, it should be basic to set up like an objective. Some simple scripting(or triggering, deppending on how this editor'll work)should enable you to set controlling Earth as a win condition.

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Basically the idea is that we're gonna have a bunch of canon starsystems for a Trek Total Conversion, incl. our own solarsystem, Bajor, Cardassia, Quonos, Romulus/Remus etc...


But to make starsystems, it would be nice to have more then 1 planet/system. If we can place all 9 planets of our own solarsystem in "one map", would work out great because in Star Trek "theoretically" your not suppose to warp inside a solarsystem if its inhabited. Warping would be between systems, just as it is in the stock game.


Can any of the "powers that be" please comment on what will be available in the mod tools, and if one of the tools will have the function of adding multiple planets to one map?

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Sometimes I think the "powers that be" were sleeping when they informed of the mod tools...


But to make starsystems, it would be nice to have more then 1 planet/system. If we can place all 9 planets of our own solarsystem in "one map", would work out great because in Star Trek "theoretically" your not suppose to warp inside a solarsystem if its inhabited. Warping would be between systems, just as it is in the stock game.


Actually, you can warp within a system safely...you're chances of hitting a star just go a bit higher by say...a number that's impossible to calculate...


The only issue with a Star Trek mod is the small size of the SW galaxy in comparison to the Alpha Quadrant. Ahh well, hopefuly we can make bigger galactic maps than come with stock on campaigns. If not...well, travel time would be somewhat less realistic.

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