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Auto Wrap is still bugged.


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Here's a fix, because if you try this with your text auto wrap func it will not show up correctly:

^7Capture the Flag,\n^1All kills legal^7!\n\n^3www^7.^3WildJedi^7.^3com^7


You will see:


Capture the Flag,

All kills





its a pretty easy fix just add this function:


// replaces all occurances of "\n" with '\n'
char *Q_AddCR(char *s)
char *copy, *place, *start;

if(!*s) return s;
start = s;
while(*s) {
	if(*s == '\\') {
		copy = s;
		place = s;
		if(*s && *s == 'n') {
			*copy = '\n';
			while(*++s) {
				*++copy = *s;
			*++copy = '\0';
			s = place;
return start;


Also, the auto lose color on new line bug is fixed in here as well as adding the Q_AddCR() to the TextWrapCenterPrint:


void TextWrapCenterPrint(char orgtext[centerPRINT_MAXSTRING], char output[centerPRINT_MAXSTRING])
{//this function auto text wraps a centersay message so that it will display correctly on clients that aren't 
//running OJP.  Clients running OJP do this text wrapping on the client side.
//scan thru print text and add new lines where needed.
int orgIndex, outputIndex, charCounter;
char lastColor = '7';

for(orgIndex = 0, outputIndex = 0, charCounter = 0;
	orgIndex++, charCounter++, outputIndex++)
	if(orgtext[orgIndex] == '\n')
	{//manual newline, reset charCounter
		charCounter = -1;

	if(charCounter == 50)
	{//this line is too long for the basejka client, add a line break.
		if( !BG_IsWhiteSpace(orgtext[orgIndex]) && !BG_IsWhiteSpace(orgtext[orgIndex-1]) )
		{//we might have cut a word off, attempt to find a spot where we won't cut words off at.
			int savedOrgIndex = orgIndex;
			int savedOutputIndex = outputIndex;

			for(; orgIndex >= 0; orgIndex--, outputIndex--)
				{//this location is whitespace, line break from this position
					//advance the orgIndex back to the first letter of the word that we're going to
					//wrap to the next line.
			if(orgIndex < 0)
			{//couldn't find a break in the text, just go ahead and cut off the word mid-word.
				orgIndex = savedOrgIndex;
				outputIndex = savedOutputIndex;

		//add line break at proper position.
		output[outputIndex] = '\n';

		//reset charCounter, set to -1 to account for autoincrement
		charCounter = -1;

		//decrement orgtext index so we'll try to recopy this char on the next pass.

	//line isn't too long yet, just straight copy this char to the output.
	output[outputIndex] = orgtext[orgIndex];

	if(output[outputIndex] == '\0')
	{//we're done

	if(output[outputIndex] == '^' && orgtext[orgIndex+1] != '^') {
		charCounter -= 2;

for( orgIndex=0; orgIndex < outputIndex; orgIndex++ ) {
	if(output[orgIndex] == '^' && ( output[orgIndex+1] >= '0' && output[orgIndex+1] <= '7' ))
		lastColor = output[orgIndex+1];
	else if(output[orgIndex] == '\n') {
		orgIndex += 2;


i forgot there is also a fix but it really didnt seem to be the problem of what was fixed above:

you forgot to clear the line ("i") when there is a new line.


void CG_CenterPrint( const char *str, int y, int charWidth ) {
char	*s;
int		i = 0;

Q_strncpyz( cg.centerPrint, str, sizeof(cg.centerPrint) );

cg.centerPrintTime = cg.time;
cg.centerPrintY = y;
cg.centerPrintCharWidth = charWidth;

// count the number of lines for centering
cg.centerPrintLines = 1;
s = cg.centerPrint;
while( *s ) 
	if(i >= 50)
	{//maxed out a line of text, this will make the line spill over onto another line.
		i = 0;
	else if (*s == '\n') {
	//if (*s == '\n')
		i = 0;


also a fix for blank names which can occur if you try something like name "^1 ". it also doesnt allow clients to use ^8 and ^9 since they really are not colors:


The following originally goes to MasterHex who did xMod but it had a bug that wouldnt allow ^'s in the text. The fix for that here though goes to me and dumbledore.


void RealCleanName(char *name, char *out, int outlen)
qboolean valid = qfalse;

char *wp = out, *rp, *rap;    //write, read, and readahead

for(rp = name; *rp == ' '; rp++);   //eat leading spaces

	if (*rp == '^') //oh no, we have a color code
		for(rap = rp; *rap && *++rap == '^';*wp++ = '^');  //find the first non^

		if (*rap <= '7' && *rap >= '0')  //if it's a valid color code (between 7 and 1 and 0)
//			if (*rap <= '7' && *rap >= '0' + !rs_blacknames.integer)  //if it's a valid color code (between 7 and 1 if rs_blacknames.integer is 0, 7 and 0 otherwise)
			if (wp - out < outlen) *wp++ = *rp; //copy one ^
			if (wp - out < outlen) *wp++ = *rap;//as well as the number
		} else if (*rap != '8' && *rap != '9') {
			if (wp - out < outlen) *wp++ = *rp; //copy one ^
			if (wp - out < outlen) *wp++ = *rap;//as well as the letter

		rp = rap;   //skip the color string... it has been written if it's a valid one
		if (wp - out < outlen) *wp++ = *rp; //length checking... just to make sure we don't run over the edge of the out string and crash the server... o_O

	if (*rp) rp++;  //read the next one if there is a next one... (a bad color string at the end will cause rp to point to the ending null char)

while(*--wp == ' ');	//from the end of the line, look backwards for the first non-space.
*++wp = 0;				//go back to the space and make a null character (this clips trailing spaces)

rp = out;
	if (*rp != ' ' && *rp != '^') valid = qtrue;
	if (*rp == '^') rp++;
	if (*rp) rp++;
if (!valid) strcpy(out, "Padawan");		//if, after all that, we're left with nothing, name them Padawan


just call that function instead of ClientCleanName

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well its supposed to and there was a fix for it for CG_DrawStringExt but JKA doesnt use that for centerprint drawing and CG_Text_Paint is an engine trap call so i cant really fix it that way and + this makes it so that ppl without client can use it.



o rly? it works just fine here. which did u think was the typo?

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  • 1 month later...
Com_sprintf(output+orgIndex+1,CENTERPRINT_MAXSTRIN G-orgIndex-1,"%c%c%s",'^',lastColor,output+orgIndex+1);

The "CENTERPRINT_MAXSTRIN G" has to be a typo.


Anyway, sorry to zombie this thread but I finally had some time and I was going over your cp_color_fix.txt file that you sent me. What was the point of it again? I don't understand why you're setting setColor to color.

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ah well that doesnt even work with jka for cp anyway, the CP doesn't use drawext. i had fixed it for q3 and et. so the auto putting the color code on next line is done now and its server side so ppl without clients can notice the change.


LOL! i just noticed it, and it only appears in the code thingy here, its normal in my code :smash: its even normal when i click edit to fix it here :smash:

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