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Exception Error


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While playing the Imperial campaign, on the mission where you have the ground battle on Jabiim, I always get an exception error a few minutes into the battle. I'm using the Total Realism mod.

If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it.


Exception in thread 2FF4 - Main Thread


The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

Attempt to read from address 11B5B6E8


Exception occurred at 005F7D22 - Unknown code pointer


Stack walk:

149294E0 : Unknown

0058F960 : Unknown

CCCCC300 : Unknown

00000000 : Unknown


Register dump:

Eip:005F7D22 Esp:0022FBDC Ebp:0B27B044

Eax:00000041 Ebx:0B27B048 Ecx:11B5B6DC

Edx:078056F8 Esi:0C285008 Edi:0AFD3C98


CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003b GS:0000


Bytes at CS:EIP (005F7D22): 8B 49 0C 8B D1 23 D0 3B D1 75 0D 8B 44 24 08 C7 00 01 00 00 00 B0 01 C3 32 C0 C3 CC CC CC 83 EC 0C 56 8B F1 8B 46 34 57 8B 7C 24 18 3B C7 0F 84 AE 02 00 00 55 8B 6C 24 20 85 ED 50 8B CD 75 05


And then it gave a LONG stack dump.

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Grimscythe, i had the same problem but in Rebel Campaign and has nothing to do with EaW:TR. My problem appeared when trying to conquer Fresia; i loaded normally, made some actions, and suddenly got an exception error. The same happened for Mon Calamari (i think).


So, what i would suggest is save the game several times in progress while conquering the planet (then you can delete the saves). This should do.


The coming version of EaW:TR (v2.0) will be fully compatible with patch 1.03 and luckily we won't meet such exceptions again.

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This a well known error in the game. It has nothing to do with MODs. Some people can not even play the game because of this error, some can not load savegames. There are many people fed up because the latest patch has not solved this. So it does not matter if you have patch 1.03 or a MOD compatible with 1.03.

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Tacticalcamera.xml might emphasize this bug but it's not the reason for it; it's a game bug we can do nothing with it.


Now, the tacticalcameras.xml (especially in the coming EaW:TR v2.0 version) has significally increased both zoom in and out rates, among with fade out object being greatly enhanced as well (meaning that you can keep track of your units/buildings even if you zoom out a lot). Now, add to all these that the pitch value (originally from Slocket) can set to such an angle that you can see the horizon, and the the CPU and graphic card can go mad (if they are old models) and finally crash the game.

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