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Personal shields?


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Is there a way to give infantry units a shield? I know this is un-starwars but i'm just trying to play with it.

I gave those infantry shield points and shield regeneration(refresh rate) in the GROUNDINFANTRY.XML and gave them energy and energy regeneration in case it is needed for a shield(becasue i see that vehicles and ships has energy) Yet there is no shield to be found protecting the infantry.

Is there a restriction on giving infantry shield or am I missing some improtant steps? Do I have to create a new armor type for it (I havent tried this becase it seems troubelsome to add so many lines in the game constant file)?

Can anyone enlighten me?

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I'm not looking at it at the moment, but I THINK you have to add a "behavior", too. It's probably "SHIELDED", but look at the behavior lists of some units with shields, to see if I'm right.


No, you won't have to create a new armor type, though. Shields have nothing to do with armor types. (They have their own.) You will have to add a line for that, though. I think it's something like "<Shield_Type> Tank_Shield </Shield_Type>". Again, look at an example first, since I'm typing this without checking the XML files, myself.

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I've got it worked already,thanks to rhedd-5. I just had not gotten the time to put a reply here.

the proper procduers are:

1.add a 'SHIELDED' behavior to the land behavior list (important so that the game reads the values for the shield)

2. add a value for the <Shield_Points> tag

3 add a value foe the <Shield_Refresh_Rate> tag

4. add an armor type <Shield_Armor_Type> tag (usually this line will not exist in originally non-shielded units)

Note: the shield_armor_type works like the armor_type tag, therefore u can put in any armor type as long as it exists in the gameconstant.xml but not necessarily those designed for shields.


This is a very good experience for me ( a modding newbie). I did not read the behavior tag carefully before and this experiece solved many problems that i had with new features on units not working.

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