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Reducing effectiveness of bombing runs?


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I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to offer me some advice on how to reduce the effectiveness of bombing runs? It's getting to be a pain when like 20 tanks get taken out so easily!


Just a bit of pointer as to which values need to be increased/decreased would be great...is it also possible to change them so that friendly units can be hit??



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you can change the details in the projectiles xml file i believe, and you can change the frequency of the bombs in the sqaudrons file too... i think, i was looking into that stuff last week but dont remember off the top of my head what was where, but it is possible

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In the landbombingrununits xml you can change the hitponts and the amount of damage it can do. I have wanted to find out where you could increase the frequency of bombings, I looked through the xml's and I couln't find it. Sorry to shang-hi this post but could somone tell me.

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How about bringing AA units or building AA turrets? I've found that the AI does that and pretty much keeps me from even using bombing runs until I can take almost EVERYTHING out (garrison buildings, etc.).


AA units are HIGHLY effective against bomber runs (at least they are against me).

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