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Dialogue problems with HK and Bastila


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After exiting talking to the Ghost of Ajunta Paul I was not able to engage in any dialogue with either Bastila or HK-47. Nor do they follow me when i am the party leader, and they also do this while on the Ebon Hawk, and other planets including ORD Mandell. What is wrong?


Edit (From similar thread in Holowan Labs): I posted a question in the work bench about this and I have another. Does anyone know if RedHawks ORD Mandell, or the Jawa Imporium, or Holowan Plug in can cause an dialogue issues with Bastila and HK-47?


(ie Bastila and HK not engaging in conversation or following you when Revan is the group leader)

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Anyone mind answering my posts? any of them?


Please don't bump your threads, and seeing the short period of time between the posts you need to realise this is a forum not IM and people come here all times during the day and night. You must be patient in waiting for an answer.


Please also refrain from posting the same or similar game problems in more than one place as it makes it monumentally more difficult to help you by spreading things around. You actually decrease you chances for a answer by doing this.


I have deleted the duplicate thread in Holowan Labs and combined its contents with the above one. -RH

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Your problem sounds like a wierd game glitch, the best suggestion is to restart from a previous save game (before talking with Ajunta Pall or entering his tomb) and see if the issue repeats itself.


Also there is nothing in ORD Mandell or W&U Emporium that alters or touches the NPC's dialogs/scripts in any way. I don't use the Holowan Plugin so I cannot say for that one.

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