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Modding the .tga's


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I've been looking at the .TGA file that includes all of the button icons, and I am wondering if anyone has tried editing this file. It's the MT_COMMANDBAR.TGA file. And if anyone can figure out how to edit the .mtd file that would be good. I searched it and got digital music.

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Well, you can edit it somewhat. As a test, I made everything red. Looked horrible, but it worked.


I don't think you can add to it yet. I haven't been keeping up with the game as much as I had planned to, so that may have changed. Until there is an .mtd editor, we can't do anything but change the existing icons.


You can open the .mtd in notepad, but good luck making sense of it. You might be a better cryptologist than me though. I tried to google "mtd edit" and "mtd editor." All I found were a bunch of mazagine editors. hehe I'm sure someone is working on it though.

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I'll see what I can do to make sense of it.


Here's a sample I will use:




I think, when formated readably, it should look like this:





$ $



2 2








OR something like this. But the little squares, that mean new line in other texts that I've looked at, appear to follow the pattern if you don't format a few of them. But that doesn't work. I think maybe it's coordinates, I don't know how they would work. But it looks like coordinates.

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Yes, those weird bytes are coordinates (X, Y, Width, Height and some other byte).


And actually, I've been working on an editor for this for the past couple of days.

It allows you to open a MTD and corresponding TGA file, modify them and save them again. After opening it lists the 'files' inside, allows you to view those files and will allow you to extract files, insert new files and rename existing files.


There is an existing editor for this I believe, but it can only change the MTD file by adding/deleting coordinates manually, so you still have to modify the TGA yourself and be careful not to overwrite some existing image.


My program will figure out on its own where the new file can be placed in the TGA based on the used area as indicated in the MTD file. So it'll be nice and transparant, making it seem just like an archive ;)


It uses the FreeImage library, so it'll support quite a number of file formats (bmp, psd, tga, gif, jpeg, etc.) to import from or export to.


I'll have this finished somewhere this week, once I have fully tested it.


Btw, anyone have any clues what MT and MTD stands for? I'm thinking Multi-Texture and Multi-Texture Directory.


PS: You don't do file format reverse engineering in notepad or some other text editor. Get yourself a hex editor if you want results.

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