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Gollum skin for droid?


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Although it's a bit off the story line, I think a Gollum skin for T3-M4 would be hi-laree-ous!! Replace all the beep-boops with "Yes, Precious!".


"Gollum, can you make me a Ring of Power?"


Anyone accept the challenge?

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Well, the real problem with this request would be the skin would not unwrap correctly so you would have hands and arms in strange places, that and anything outside of a technical skin wouldn't look good on the astromech droid model (T3, T1-N1 etc.), due to the simple fact that nothing on the model looks organic/fleshlike (no hands, feet, ears etc.)


Also, for now we cannot add animations so if someone DID make a new model that looked like gollum it would either be too tall, (like the normal human skeleton for example) or would move very oddly (the astrodroid skeleton).


So its a nice idea, but the odds of it working let alone someone trying it are slim to none. :(

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