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Removing Nebulae and Asteroids


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Anyone know how to remove nebulae and asteroids from the space maps? Or does that require the map tools that petro hasn't released yet?


I just wanted to see if anyone found a way to do this through the game files before I fool around with it and see if its possible.


Why are there nebulae near planets anyways? Its not like that in Star Wars lore or in the real universe so why??? I think that if the nebulae were removed and the asteroids partially, it would open up the space combat and adhere more closely to lore.

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You can get rid of nebulae and asteroids by commenting them out/deleting them in spaceprops.xml. Only problem is it made the planets disappear as well, and I don't think I modifed them. Also, it removes them in every map, so you can't have some in some maps and none in others.

Edit: I deleted the nebulae and asteroids instead of commenting them out, and the planets show up again.

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