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Constructing new areas

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I just broke into Knights 2 editing a few days ago(only .2da stuff to make mods compatable and craftable) But I have been toying with the idea of making a sort of extended Jedi training level (Kinda like what Reven had to do it Knights 1 even though it was mostly in cutscreens) I was thinking quests to unlock force powers and saber combat feats.


First and formost though I am looking for a way to make a new area(new map) where I can do pretty much anything I want(such as add new npcs, workbenches, doors and a geometric enviorment)


I have been looking at the tutorials up top, but I couldn't really find anything about modding new areas that I could use(such as getting started proberly) but perhaps I just looked in the wrong topics.


So I was wondering if anyone could give me a minor force push in the right direction heh



It should be mentioned I got a little experiance in NWN module building...don't know if that will do me any good

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Simply put... We can not make completely "new" areas, we can only use pre-existing areas to create the illusion of a new game area.


Since we do not have the support of the game makers (Bioware/Obsidian/LucasArts) we have far less modding capabilities than games like NWN does, all our tools have to be fan made. Like KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra, and the other Tools/Programs by tk102 and company.


If you are familiar with the games file types (The similarities betwwen NWN and KotOR filetypes and functions are many) and how the various files work then you might want to check out this thread here. ;) Though be warned it figures that you have some measure of KotOR Modding expirience and are familiar with certain tools, and it is a little out of date, but it is what we have.

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