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cinematic mod making a KotOR movie!


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i found this in another forum and thought i would share it with you guys. a individual going by the name Kaydon Sentry is making a KotOR movie, to be release this spring, using the game engine! here is what he had to say, plus some clips:


"Hi everyone!


So last year I was playing through the first KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic, XBOX), just wanting to experience the story again. My roommate came downstairs and was enjoying some of the cinemas, and I thought, wow, how great would it be to enjoy this story again without having to invest so much time in playing...?


As a working (well, most of the time Smile) editor in Hollywood, I thought of an idea... edit together the game's cinemas and important chats (with your party and npcs) and some in game footage to create a 'movie' based on it.


Several weeks later I had finished an hour and a half of the thing! With 30 minutes to go, left on editing, I've taken several months only due to my time constraints on work. Anyway, long story short, someone from TFN suggested I go here and post the clips that have been around for a while, so here goes:


Taris Nightclub Scene:




Stealing the Sith uniform:









Escape from Taris:








The Rancor!!!!




Pod Race:




Thrilling climax to the race:






And here's the recently released trailer:





I think the trailer works more for the game than really offer some of the "movie's" main aspects. For instance, no where in the trailer will you get the sense of a big group traveling around (I would go through parts of the game twice, sometimes three times to bring all the other PCs along), and then edit the conversations from all the run throughs. Seeing Mission react to Carth and Bastila, while Logan is standing next to Canderous and Zalbaar REALLY create an epic environment. So the trailer is more a visual display of what the movie entails... from the Spire to Taris, to Dantooine all the way til Kashyykk... anyway, again I hope y'all enjoy it... just 30 more minutes to edit, and then the first film (total run time of 1 hour, 59 minutes) will be done!




I'm not taking credit for these, its all Kaydon's talent. They all look pretty awesome and I can't wait till he releases it.

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