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What happened to SWG ?


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Hello all,


I started playing SWG a few years ago during the period they had a 30 day trial for free. You could roam all the planets and do everything you could on a monthly plan. Sadly my trial ran out and i was due to go into the Army, so gave it all up. Now 2006 im back and wanting to get into it.


Bought the game online, created and character and am pretty upset to see how empty the servers are compared to before. It seems like a deserted universe.


On this note i also wish to ask anyone who is looking for Guilds Members to consider me, i have joined the Imperial side (yes yes im evil)... and am a Commando.. have only been playing the game on a paying account for 3 days or so.. still enjoying the adventure but nothing like it was 2 years ago.


Which leaves the question.... What happened ??? Where did everyone go to???



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everybody went to wow and d&d online most likely since they made the stupid iconic profs....umm i play on starsider as an imperial trandoshan. it's fun, but hardly anybody that i know on (i had to quit cause i moved to an area with only dialup available...6 months later decide to try it and it's fine after upgrading to 1 gig of ram). i'm also looking for a guild to join...mainly for fun and pvp.

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Ok, sounds about right...


I might move servers, im on the first server on the list, not sure what its called.


Can i move servers now that i have been playing on a different server ? Is it possible to change servers ?

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well, u are allowed 8 characters, you can use the same name and everything if u want if it's not already used on the server. if you want i can give u a free house its like right on the emperor's retreat, for now i live in keren city...I also have some extra weapons and stuff, if you join on starsider i could help you do the legacy quests so you can level up faster (I need to complete them myself, tho i'm level 90 since i grinded 80-90 right after doing the legacy quests on another server). if you do join Starsider, /addfriend Kioet' and send me a /tell. I'm a bounty hunter. :) '


ALSO: you are allowed 2 characters per server.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Galaxies is now a totally different experience and should be approached as such. The old mix and match professions are gone but the best thing about the game, are the new quests that you can pick up outside Mos Eisley. They reward yoiu with lots of crap stuff, but some nice money and lots of XP



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lol it only took me 4 hours, figured it's for the best because it wouldnt matter if it dloaded in 40 seconds, the servers dont actually go live live til after the mandatory 4 hour wait anyway. :D i just cant get mustafar til this summer. i heard that sucker is big.

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only had to go 10 levels though. i tried with my new character after doing legacy, but forget that, it was too boring and i didnt care too much for scylla anyway, so went back to my old starsider account. more fun to be had at cl90. i got my first pvp kill last night, and i almost took down a jedi wookiee...i really could have but kinda let him win. (i lol'd in his face)

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