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Im a little confused here.. :s


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Ok so im a BH L14 now.. been playing for 2 days as a BH.


Ive seen a starports with spacecraft options? This means you can build your own spacecraft or buy your own???


IF So... How can one acheive building one?


The other question i had is all this food and water you pick up along the way on your quests, what on earth do you do with all this? You cant drink or eat it right ? So im really confused here, seems like when i think im starting to understand SWG im really not... :smash:



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yeah you can fly ships...you need jump to lightspeed, which i believe comes free? and you CAN build one completely new if you are a shipwright, otherwise you'll need chassis and parts, which aren't that hard to find if you do a vendor search on the bazaar.


you also need to be a pilot, i suggest going to bestine or kaadara and getting assigned to the imperial navy, you get to fly tie fighters, bombers, interceptors, advanced, and such.


no clue what the food and water do. i think u have a draft schematic in your datapad might fit in there? *shrug*

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Kioet, man that house you got is more like a mansion!!!


I got given a house yesterday in some small planet down the bottom right of the galaxy (cant remember).... Some chick called Scarllett was giving away a Swoop, 100k and a house... so i thought yeh sounds good... 8c an hour rent which is about 6k a month... not bad or ripped ?


Ill send you a message tonight and we'l do some quests if your on...


This Lightspeed, is this part of SWG or do i need to login to another server ? Whats the go, im lost again lol..



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