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RE: Changes to 'Galaxies' MMO format...

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Hey all!


I am new to this particular forum (I am a regular at LucasForums, though!), and I have had trouble finding this addressed in the threads here, so I apologize if it has been discussed elsewhere around here - my question is:


I heard that SW Galaxies is having it's format changed from it's current state to one more like 'Knights of the Old Republic' - is this rumor indeed true? And if so, does anyone know when this is to happen, and what some of the details are?


I thank you all in advance for your help here!


- DM.005 :maul5:

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All rumors. Nothing's been confirmed nor denied, except that that SOE - Lucas Arts will continue to back this game. However, LA refused to comment if there would be another game, produced by another company. [several speculate that if this were true, they belive a company such as Bioware would be contracted].

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Hmm I have a bad feeling about the new things they're gonna implent - now that they made galaxies a FPS, they should base it on skills! Not equipment, then they should've never launched NGE in the first place...


technically MMO shouldnt be based on skills, i think thats what they are trying to move AWAY from, this is where all the L33t kids come in, its point and shoot and using your specials right, not much skills, per say, so i think equipment should be a major factor in life or death


and an lol to getting banned on the boards :-D

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technically MMO shouldnt be based on skills, i think thats what they are trying to move AWAY from, this is where all the L33t kids come in, its point and shoot and using your specials right, not much skills, per say, so i think equipment should be a major factor in life or death


Yeah, but skills and target-aim doesn't fit together if you ask me :(


and an lol to getting banned on the boards :-D[/QOUTE]


Haha yeah, that was a bit f00ked I thought they allowed "constructive" critisim ;D

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