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Dynamic boltage


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Hey guys, just wanted help on something. Do you remember the ghoul2 engine being used in SOF2? If you threw a knife at someone it would dynamically attach a model to the part of the body you threw it at. I was also wondering if it could be applied to JA since it also uses ghoul2, I know it does for shaders because when you hit someone with a blaster it makes a mark on them. Thanks for taking interest :)

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well it can be done easily as well it has been done in JA+ for bolted sabers at belt or holstered in back into a holster.


so technically yes you can do it...


But remember, the ghoul2 system do not allow you to bolt a model glm or md3 specifying offset angle and position because those things are hardoced into the model itself. And the trap_ functions given do not implement offsets parameters.


So you are forced to place the model at each frame in CG_player at the position you want in order to have the correct offet angle and position from the current hit surface location on the player ghoul2 model.


Razorace asked me how i did it in JA+ and used it in OJP adding more bolted weapons for inventory.

So take a look at OJP code...


But if you have sof2 SDK perhaps looking at Sof2 code could be easier...

I don't know as i don't have this game....But it may be easier

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