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Thanks for adding the new E3 Forum!


Unfortunately, my Netscape 7 browser is confused by the new forum layout:



I believe this could be remedied by modifying this portion of the HTML

      <div id="forumtitle"><a href="forumdisplay.php?f=681">E3 2006</a></div>
     <div id="forumdate">Wondering what LucasArts is doing at E3 this
year? Look no further than this forum!</div>
     <div id="swgaminglist">

to this

      <div id="forumtitle"><a href="forumdisplay.php?f=681">E3 2006</a></div>
     <div id="forumdate">Wondering what LucasArts is doing at E3 this
year? Look no further than this forum!</div>
     <div id="swgaminglist">

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