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I got a letter, from Timothy Zahn!!


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For those that don't know, Timothy Zahn is one of the msot respected and talented Authors for Star Wars novels. His Star Wars books include: Heir to the Empire trilogy, and the Hand of thrawn Duology (5 books total)


A few years ago i was able to talk with him in a small discusion group, he is a really kewl guy. Very intelligent, tactful, and a fun person to talk with. My real First name is also the same as his Editor (heh, got you wondering now)


I ahve read many of his other books (conquers's trilogy, Icarus Hunt, Spinneret, Warhound, Deadmans' switch, to name a few) he is one of my favorite authors.


Well, after reading the Icarus hunt, i was amazed by the ending, really caught me off guard. I loved the story, and felt the need to write him a letter. I got his PO BOX off of theforce.net wrote him a letter, and sent it along with a S.A.S.E.


6 months later i got a reply.. TODAY!


aw man, it is great. He was working on a thriller novel (Not SF) and i guess his agent doesn't like it too much, so it is kinda in limbo. But he should have a new bood published by TOR called "ANGELMASS", and then next year antoehr book called "MANTA's DEEP" he has also sold the first half of a six part Young adult series called "DRAGONBACK" due out next year, and his agent has 2 fresh outlines for him to work on.


And he also informs me that he is going to be attending a Convetion here where i live next april, so i will get a chance to see him again.


So, if you got a chance, read Icarus Hunt, EXCELLENT book, and well worth the read.


Hmmm, i wonder if i should frame this letter and set it up above my alter of Tim Zahn... wink.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Hey does anyone know what happened before Episode one - like 100 years before?



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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Guest Redwing

Hey, we know what happened millenia before episode one...the Sith War...before the Republic...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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The letter was typed (on a computer of course)


but he signed it in blue pen ink. I ahve his signature on several other things... and it is ligit wink.gif


And he cannot write any Star Wars books unless LA says he can... basicalyl they give him an outline, and he does the rest.


He has expressed interest in doing some books dealing with Thrawn and the Unknown regions... or just with the unknown regions

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What I would really like to see is Zahn write the last book of the NJO series. I know it won't happen, but it'd still be cool.



"You'd have to use a ladder to rise to my level of crap!"


Rogue 6

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I know all star Wars fans want him to write mroe SW books (becasue he does such a good job) but it is out of his control. besdies he rather write in a period where he does not have to deal with continuity conflicts. He almost got ran over by the GL Semi Truck wehn he wanted to make Norgri the Sith race.


He friends call him "tim" but i respect him so much i end up calling him "Mr. Zahn" besides, i think his last name is KEWL. Oh in case you didn't notice, He normally wears a Psi Corp ring.. he bought it at a charity action from Harlen Ellison, who got it from JMS.. i think there is only about 5 of those in the world.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

cool, I would like him to write the stuff from before Thrawn entered the empire, was that psi corp ring you were talking about the B5 Psi Corp?



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

Hey does anyone know what happened before Episode one - like 100 years before?


Well, the Tales of the Jedi era happens several millennia before ANH (TPM happens about 30-odd years before).


5000 years ago was The Golden Age of the Sith; they'd already been cast out of the Republic (the Old Republic is much more ancient than anyone seems to realize).


The TotJ-Era spans about a thousand years (from 5000 to 4000 BSW).


1000 years before TPM was Dark Horse's Jedi vs. Sith miniseries, that ties into Jedi Knight because it happens on Ruusan.


<small>It's really chilling, BTW; it calls into question the whole concept of warfare, and what victory is worth. By the final battle, of the thousand Jedi in Lord Hoth's army I doubt there was one who still walked in the Light.</small> eek.gif


The Battle of Ruusan was the battle that killed an army of Jedi & Sith, leaving one sole survivor; Darth Bane. Bane was the one who then reinvented the Sith order, with only two Sith Lords at any one time.


Nothing much happens between JvS and TPM, except that the Jedi Order becomes a stagnant "Old Boys Club," cut off from the people they were once meant to defend. Easy prey for the Sith. . .


Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

He has expressed interest in doing some books dealing with Thrawn and the Unknown regions... or just with the unknown regions


Territory he's covered in various short stories for the old WEG Adventure Journal, the Tales Of. . . anthologies, and Star Wars Gamer.


But you're right; there is a lot of "play-room" still to cover.


Originally posted by Darth Sceltor:

I, for one, don't really find the pre-Episode I Star Wars universe that interesting.


Agreed. AFAIC, Star Wars doesn't get exciting until after RotJ (and only until NJO).


Maybe it's just that I prefer novels to movies 'cause I can visualize them better than ILM ever could. And I just can't get into NJO because I've found plot-holes and characterization errors that I can drive a Death Star through.


NJO are the books I have to rewrite in my head as I'm reading them.



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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K_K, I can truly understand your excitement. I only recently have finished The Empire trilogy and you can clearly see that Timothy Zahn is a master of novel writting and obviously a very clever man.


you lucky .... smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited September 05, 2001).]

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I disagree when you say that not much interesting happens before the modern Star Wars era. There are over 5,000 years to work with. What we know of in star wars, not including the novels, has only taken place over a period of 40 years. AND, the galaxy is very large, and not even completely charted yet if you take the unknown regions into account. Many important things could have happened that is not covered in the Sith War and other tales of the jedi stuff.


I wonder if lucas arts would allow some talented writers, NOT some of the terrible horse**** that some of the authors have been writing, to write about these periods spanning from 10,000 to 1,000 years before the battle of yavin. Actually, I believe that it's possible that entire galactic empires could have risen and fallen many times throughout the galaxy over millions of years that NO ONE knows about.


The only reason one might think that there is no room for growth in the star wars universe is because they lack creativity thats all.

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I'm re-reading the HttE Trilogy right now. In the middle of DFR, actually. It, the Hand of Thrawn duology and most of the X-Wing series are the only novels truly worthy of the Star Wars title IMHO. Some of the others are good, but they just don't have the right feel. NJO is close, if you have an open mind. It took me a while, but I'm finally accepting it. Zahn still rules, though.

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The point of star wars, when it was created was focusing on Darth Vader... once you take him out of the picture you need to focus on his surviing kids... but once you go beyond that, you start losing interest. and without interest sales go down the tubes


I would love to read some Republic Era stuff, that is why i enjoy reading the Dark Horse Comics stuff dealing with Jedi.

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I talked to Carl Sagan at a 'nuclear winter' lecture back in '84. In front of thousands of people, I asked him a stupid question about the feasibility of underground shelters that he found amusing.


I think he was stoned. rolleyes.gif

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