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Muliplayer help!!!!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi um when i play jk2 mp wit 1.04 patch its works but when i hit get new list my comp freezes up and nothing happends exept music is runin wildly and i have to restart my comp why is this happening? Note: everything else works fine but i cant join anything nor find anythin without crashing and i only got to play once in the whole time i had 1.04 every other time frose

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Try playing the game windowed and see if your firewall is asking for program permissions when JO goes to get a new list.


I seem to remember after I'd patched the game, it kept locking up when I started. This was because Zone Alarm was asking for JO internet access and waiting for confirmation, only the program was running full screen and was 'in front of' the prompt. Because I couldn't Alt-Tab back to it, JO wouldn't go any further. So running it at a lower resolution and with full-screen set to off, I could see my desktop while JO was running - and the firewall prompt. So when I'd confirmed the prompt, along with the 'remember this option' check-box, i was able to switch back to full-screen and future games ran fine. :)


Hope this makes sense, and I hope it helps too :)



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Go to the Setup page and the Video section.

1. Select a resolution that's lower than your desktop

(ie. If you are running at 1024x768, select 800x600 as the game res.)

2. Click the Full Screen option to Off

3. Click Apply Changes.



Although this a less dynamic way of playing the game, I find it handy when I'm arranging games on MSN and giving out IP addresses etc before a game. It's also easier to Alt-Tab out of mid-game if you need to.



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