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So im beginning to learn mod EAW but some info will be apriciated


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Hey gyes!


Well im just learning how to make models so first i would need no exact programs. How to make a new model? And how i could convert warlord models which evillejedi brought us. To put them or even one into game. So help please dudes. If u bother to read this thanks and help if u bother.

And sry my english.



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I'm not entirely sure on how to go about moddling - creating ships via XML is my thing(albeit Vader keeps killing my game now because I changed ONE line in his XML...). One of the Legacy of War peeps can probaly help out with this - they did, after all, make the fabulous Executor model.


Remember though - you'll need to edit the XML files if you want to make a new ship. Otherwise you might have an SSD you've modeled firing TIE Fighter lasers. :p

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