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Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

The Spam Song!

This is a song I wrote.. Its for the mods.. DJ Spankme will bring you in

The Spam Song

Written by: Clefo

Written for: All the mods that have to put up with spamming

Original Tune by: Rancid


Echos of Spamming coming through my computer screen

Having a chat next door

But I'm sittin here annoyed

Two spammers in the Bedroom Forum and others double post

All I got is this deleting stick and no mercy at all


Just to increase post count! Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam!

Just to increase post count! Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam!


He's spamming with no one to lend a hand

He's seen his name on the banning list with no one to understand

Once again he's leaving with no one with a tear in their eye

The mods ban and say "Hi, its time to say goodbye"


Just to increase post count! Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam!

Just to increase post count! Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam!


His heart ain't bleeding cause he knows his account is gone

Mods aren't the only ones who knew something was wrong

His buddy's in the distance as he wipes a tear from his eye

Spammers fading out he dissapears this time, "time to say goodbye"


Just to increase post count! Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam!

Just to increase post count! Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam!


Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam

Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam

Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam

Spammy Spammy Spammy Spammy Spam Spam


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Guest Rogue15

Originally posted by Poor Bastard:

God dammit, quit bringing your stupid problems over here. Nobody cares.



Well, there's not other mods at roguesquadron.net, and nobody assigned me as a mod of the forum where all the crap takes place.



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