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Masterchief Armor


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I realise you are new, but you aren't providing enough information so your posts are likely to be ignored. Please use the 'edit this' post feature and add in the necissary information to your above request post, it can help. Not everyone has played Halo or Halo II. ;)


FYI, you could have also made use of the forum search function and searched for Master Chief and found these threads;






Sadly, even with all this discussion nothing has been released. Us not being able to make new body models likely hampers efforts like this. :( Though, you could try and send a Personal Message (PM) to Lando Griffin as he says he has something he uses as the Master Chief armor, possibly he would be willing to share.


I hope this helps! :D

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A quick update on this, I have learned how to use alpha channels (Yay!) and have done most of the basic work on chiefs armor, which means seperating the metal parts from the cloth parts. I still have to add most of the detail, and do the helmet, I would also like to remodel the helmet to make it look more master chief-ish. Anyway, since I am still learning as I go, this mod wont be ready for quite a while.

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