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[KOTOR] Republic Soldier Armor for PC/NPC


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I thought so too, but I didn't see it.


I'll check again....




P.S. but I wasn't going to say anything and then I was going to do it again.


EDIT: This does, but it replaces it and doesnt allow it to be NPC or PC equip. http://pcgamemods.com/mod/17305.html It really would be easier just to redo this. It is taking more time to look than to do it.

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I am looking for a mod that makes the Republic Armor an armor that is equippable and unequippable but has a dexterity bounus restriction and defense bonus. (Also the helmet, if at all possible)

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I found it. Trask's armor without the head is in ERF's>TexturePacks>swpc_tex_tpa.erf>N>N_RepOff_F01.tpc


I would help make this armor, as it wouldn't be that hard, but I'm busy this morning. Maybe tonight I can work on this. If anyone else can do it sooner that would be great.

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Location: On the Endar Spire in a footlacker or something like that.


Defense Bonus: 4-6


Max Dexterity:+5 if defense bonus is 4, +4 if defense bonus is 5, or +3 if defense bonus is 6


Description: something about how it's the standard issue armor for the Republic Soldiers spread through out the galaxy.


Also: a helmet in the same location if possible (you can pick the stats, it doesn't matter).

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