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Desperately Seeking Model and Skin


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Hi there, i have browsed practically the whole internet for a Kitana model/skin from Mortal Kombat, as yet...no luck, My other half is big on the Star Wars Jedi Academy thing, and i want to get in on the fun from his clan, The Elders, and need a model for it, if there is anyone can help me, i would be sooooo gratefull, my boyfriend would do it if he hadnt chosen the mapping route, he's just a pain and had to pick the thing i didnt need :D. Anyhoo, if anyone can posta link to a skin/model, or even go as far as finding something that i can skin or build yourself, i would certainly send you a christmas card, many thanks in advance

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ive tried no good, why is it so hard to get a suitable skin for a female dont they think that we dont play or something. I think that i should learn to skin myself it most probably be alot easier, but i just dont have the time really looking after my year old son. well ill stop baberling and i do a preciate all the help youve been giving me thanxs. :queen:thumbs1:

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