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What is so good with the scout ?


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scout is my favorite. if u get a level 4 scout itll give u implants lvl2 and uncanny dodge. u also get more feats than a scoundrel and more skill points than a soldier. granted, skills are nearly useless in kotor 1, BUT, if u get good repair u can upgrade hk47, good persuade can help a lightsider, but someone planning to go dark can pretty much passon that, having a good security allows u to not hav to switch between characters to open every locked door or footlocker.


personally, i go scout consular, because i think scoundrels are runts, lots of skill points isnt a trade off for good combat stats, and i think sentinels are lame since u can get their force immunities through items later, and they have slower force progression than consulars. force jump is cool, but not a good as it seems, it leaves u alone with lots of enemies and ur party runnin to catch up. if u use lots of force power, and focus ur feats on defensive techniques, u will have a monster consular.


soooo, now that ive written a book, i gotta go, peace.

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And is it true that :


Jedi Consular - Scoundel

Jedi Sentinel - Soldier

Jedi Guardian - Scout


is the best ??

You got your list a little wrong there. ;)


To max out things with your characters you should stick with the following symbiotic classes;

  • Soldier/Guardian
  • Scout/Sentinel
  • Scoundrel/Consular

This way the 2 classes merge together as the Jedi class is an extension of the Non-Jedi class... If you cross the classes you negate certain class and progression benefits.


Achilles answered the other question...


Just my 2 cents! :D

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Gee.. Thanks ! :)


granted, skills are nearly useless in kotor 1,


shocker8813 : I think the persuade skill is really handy in kotor 1 ^^ . Computer use also. Threat injury ? Im just not quite agree with you that theyr nealy useless :p


But thanks for answering my questions shocker, Achilles, redhawke n pottsie :)


BUT : I still didn't get anywere with the : Whats best with scout.. Twor are saying scout - Consular, and two are saying scout - Sentinel

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granted, skills are nearly useless in kotor 1, BUT, if u get good repair u can upgrade hk47, good persuade can help a lightsider, but someone planning to go dark can pretty much passon that, having a good security allows u to not hav to switch between characters to open every locked door or footlocker.


u didnt finish the quote. i agree, persuade is very important, but mostly for lightsiders, why use persuade if u can use force persuade as a darksider? as for treat injury, its important for taris and initially for dantooine, but once u get cure and heal, and for darksiders give it to juhani or bastilla, u dont need it very much anymore. i think computer use and security are about equal, they're really just skills to upgrade if u dont want to bother switching party members, u can get a better comp and sec with other people.


when u compare the importance of skills in kotor 1 to tsl, they are 10x more important in tsl.


as far as scout consular, scout sentinel, go with consular, the sentinels force ability is crappy, u can get it through items, true, the sentinel is technically the extension of the scout, but if u do everything right, u will get a stronger consular every time.

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as far as scout consular, scout sentinel, go with consular, the sentinels force ability is crappy, u can get it through items, true, the sentinel is technically the extension of the scout, but if u do everything right, u will get a stronger consular every time.

I disagree, your Consular will not be 'stronger' by starting out a Scout. :roleyess:

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it would definitely depend on your playing style i guess. i find the advantages given by being a scoundrel to be weaker than those for the scout and the same with the sentinel and the consular. being a scout to lvl 4 on taris gives me uncanny dodge and implants 2 for free, and a fair amount of skill points(compared with soldier), and it gives me more vitality. then by going to consular, i get more fp's and force focus. i guess i just dont see the advantages given by the sentinel and scoundrel to really be advantages compared to those from scout and consular.


ALSO: RedHawke, I'm a big fan of your mods, they're sweet :urpdude:

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it would definitely depend on your playing style i guess.

Actually it is the system itself... 20+ years of RPG expirience talking here, as a dedicated (and sometimes quite annoying to my poor GM) Min/Maxer I know this.


While people are quite free to cross class their characters, you are not building the most 'efficient' character when you do this. Regardless of how the character feels or your "playing style" the character loses some of the symbiotic class advantages.


i guess i just dont see the advantages given by the sentinel and scoundrel to really be advantages compared to those from scout and consular.

As I said above you can cross class these differently but you will lose 'something' if you do. The best Min/Maxing is to follow the guideline I posted above.


Now, I'm definately not saying you, or anyone else is incorrect when mixing the classes differently here, just that when you mix the classes like you are doing it is not giving you the most 'efficient' character. ;)


@ Thanks for the compliment! :D

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