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HELP please?

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Ok, i got stuck on KOTOR 2 because my character was WAY too weak to beat a boss in the game. So i found the "invulnerability" cheat that you can type in, and i started a new game. i progressed well, and when handmaiden joined my party, i used the cheat again, so that evry one of my party members could not be harmed. once i finished with dantooine (the first planet i visted after telos) and reboarded the Ebon hawk, i proceeded to talk and gain influence with all of my party members. once i got to handmaiden, i asked if we could fight, and as we fought, i realized that she could not be harmed because of the "invulnerability" cheat that i used. i have tried retyping the cheat to reverse it and finding reversal cheats on the net, but neither of those helped. i really screwed up. can i get some advice on what i should do? is there a way to reverse it?

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I don't know about cheating...


There aren't many people around here that know about programming. I certainly don't. Also, you should realise the time differnce. Most of the people around here are American/Canedian, and they are asleep now.

Look back at it tomorrow...



You should ask this at the Work Bench...they are specialised in this kind of problems.


Good luck...

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