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Does anyone know how to activate the free roam camera on the PC?


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You know, where you do a series of button presses (it is Y, Left, A, Y), and the dialogue says "Punch it, Chewie!", and you can seperate the camera from your body and move it around the area. Well, how do I activate this feature in the PC version? I haven't been able to find out how to do it. Thanks in advance.

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Joe89, please refrain from 'bumping' topics, that is posting in them to get it to the top of the forum, if someone knows about your issue they will post it, but this isn't IM and everyone doesn't come here every day. Thanks. ;)


Also not every feature that one game version has is present in the other game version. I have never heard of a free roaming camera on the PC version of the games.

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IIRC, you have to old down Ctrl (or maybe it's Shift...could be Caps Lock...or even Tab). Does beg the question: Why are you asking online rather than checking the manual that came with the game? I know it's listed there.


Also, I think you have to hold both mouse buttons to get free look via that route.


This is all extremely foggy as my brain is currently programmed for Morrowind controls :)

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