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Darth Vader..? maybe..?


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I want someone to make a darth vader skin/gauntlet. With the armour, cape, and helmet. EVERYTHING. I cant find it anywhere. And can someone send me a ZIP. file of KotOR Tool? I CANT FIND THE F^%&*%G LINK! (im new at modding and crap, as you can tell) This would REALLY be appreciated.







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Calm yourself, padawan...


I think Avol made a good Vader skin....


Yea...here's a link... http://pcgamemods.com/mod/15968.html


It's for K2..


The one by Tomer for K1 doesn't have the helmet.. that's here - http://pcgamemods.com/mod/7925.html




And the link for KT is on another page; after you click 'downloads' at the top in the banner image...

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I'm sorry you find it stupid but I didn't find the collar being 'insanely disproportional' much of a problem and, at the end of the day, it's better than nothing. I was merely providing a suggestion and you never know, maybe other people won't find it as big an issue as you seem to. Doesn't it make sense to give multiple suggestions in light of the fact that not everyone has the same opinions?


Why yes, yes it does! :D -RH

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