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Beyond KOTOR 3? Will it happen?


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As you all know, many video game sagas come in trilogies. Even the movies are composed of 2 trilogies. So even though KOTOR 3 is coming out and it will most likely rock our socks, what about number 4? will it happen? I know alot of things they will without a doubt not have in 3. So as updates come out for KOTOR 3 and we see what its missing and what it is lacking, this can be a thread for the improvements that can be made to the sequel of a near perfect game trilogy. Also who knows? Maybe there will be 2 different trilogies, this one is around 3,996-3,977 years before the battle of Endor. Maybe there will be another KOTOR trilogy about 2,000 years before Endor(new sith wars[Ruusan])...don't forget though. The main focus of this thread is if KOTOR will go past the 3rd one.

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I'm just hoping for a K3, I haven't even thought about K4.


i do hope that kotor 3 will happen but i m not that opptimistic at all , and i do hope that obsidian wount do kotor 3 cos they destroyed kotor II with all that spoilers and glitches :duel:


LA rushed Obsidian, the planned ending is floating around the forums somewhere, it would've been fantastic.

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