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What really bugs me (spoilers)...


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Is how Kreia killed the three masters so damn fast, and easily. I mean they weren't wimps, they were all accomplished experts and got wiped out and had the force sucked out of them by some old crone without a decent fight. Where the hell did she learn to do that? I thought it was a pretty crappy and undeserved ending for those guys considering the trouble I went to to find them. They should have at least duelled her for a bit...or something.

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Since Kreia was Nihilus' master at one point, maybe Nihilus learned it from her. ;)

Wasn't Nihilus basically created by the events of Malachor like the Exile who lost the connection to the Force? I thought His 'hunger' started there. :giveup:


I remeber Kreia stating something like that, but I could be mistaken as I really haven't played TSL in a while...

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Wasn't Nihilus basically created by the events of Malachor like the Exile who lost the connection to the Force? I thought His 'hunger' started there. :giveup:


I remeber Kreia stating something like that, but I could be mistaken as I really haven't played TSL in a while...

I can't think of anything right off hand where to get that information. I do have like 6000 or so conversation pics, but I can't think of where to find it at the moment, or if I took screens of that part. I was just under the impression based on things said that Nihilus and Sion were Traya's apprentices and she taught them higher mysteries of the Force to get her revenge of the Jedi, and then they betrayed Traya (just like Lucas said happens with a Sith Master has more than one apprentice, they team up to overthrow the master in the audio commentary in the ESB DVD).
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Unless I remember incorrectly I believe Kreia says that the techniques used by the Sith assassins (used as plot device to explain why they start out weak and get stronger as you level up) of feeding on the force energies of their victims was the same technique Nihilus uses (only his was more developed), and that in time they had the potential to become like him.


Since they all originate from the Trayus Academy it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that Kreia learned that same technique, being more advanced than the Assassins but not quite on level with Nihilus.


(Speaking of whom, I wonder how they know his name is Nihilus, since it's never ever mentioned in-game in any dialogs. Visas only refers to him as the Master. On the same line, Visas never tells you her name, and nobody ever says it in-game except for the Exile. :) )

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I can't think of anything right off hand where to get that information.


The internet, my friend.


I found an article on the net about Nihilus:


Although his role in the Mandalorian Wars is a mystery, it is very likely that he may have been one of the Jedi that defied the Jedi Council to follow Revan into the wars. After the war he was found by Darth Traya to be Force-sensitive, and she began training him in the ways of the Sith at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V. Disagreeing with his master's teaching methods, Nihilus, along with fellow apprentice, Darth Sion, plotted and turned against their dark mistress Traya.


So Nihilus was trained to be a Sith by Traya.


(Ok, I have tried to submit this post in its entirety 3 different times, but every time I try, my computer freezes. I guess it is because the post is too long, because this has happened before. I am sorry, but I have to split the post in two, maybe even 3, and post the other half after this one.)


(Phew. Sorry guys. Ok, let me try and finish this….)


The article goes on to talk about his "hunger":


Darth Nihilus ravaged and consumed numerous beings, several of those who were not consumed to death becoming mindless slaves aboard the bridge of his flagship, the Ravager. Nihilus's nature was all-consuming, which may be related to the thought bomb technique used by Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness three thousand years later. His hunger was an insatiable appetite for all things living; indeed, it consumed him to the point where he ceased being a man of flesh. His flesh remained, but only in the form of a shell encasing the dark gaping void that swallowed all life it came into contact with.


That doesnt answer anything, but it raises a question from me. Before he bacame a "dark gaping void that swallowed all life it came into contact with", how did he consume beings? I first pictured him eating deep fryed rodian for dinner. But did he somehow consume them by using the force? I know he did use the force after he was no longer a man of flesh, but before that?


Meditate on this, i will....


Anyways, i think that RedHawke may be right about Nihilus gaining his power on Malachor.


But i also think that he had always had that "hunger" all along, even when he was a jedi. It might have been inside him, but it was just dormant. When he fought on Malachor, all of the deaths might have awakened it. He might have felt all of the deaths throught the force, and the hunger was aroused, making him want, need more.


I combined it for you! -RH

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Hack, I think his idea comes from Galactus !! THough I would much much prefer Visas than Nova! :3


Now, the battle can be more interesting, if they would only allow Nihilus to constantly heal up from draining those force zombies.


It makes sense really, and can make him much much nastier.


I know if you deliberately use weak equipment to fight him you get eventys like Visas "stunning" Nihilus or something, but most of the time the fight is over before you get to the good things.

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