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DVD Review: Final Fantasy : The Spirits Within


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From the movie that broke-ground to the most realistic CGI video ever to the secret Aki Ross bikini video, it all here on 2 discs.




The year is 2065 AD. The Earth is infested with alien spirits, and mankind faces total extinction. Led by a strange dream and guided by her mentor, Dr. Sid, scientist Aki Ross struggles to collect the eight spirits in the hope of creating a force powerful enough to destroy the alien presence and pure enough to protect the planet. With the aid of the Deep Eyes Squadron, Aki must save the Earth from its darkest hate and unleash the spirits within.


-----The Movie Transfer---------



I must cogratulate Colombia/Square pictures on their transfer of the movie onto DVD. The movie, while obvious, is not on actual film, but on a hard drive. Therefore I didnt see any dust or any distubing that happended on the transfer. It is on Anamorphic widescreen, which takes up most of a standard TV. Audio is great and supports Dolby Digital and Surround Sound.




Yeah, this is the moment youve been waiting for. Disc 2 is full of extras, and even more on Disc 1.


-Interactive documentries. Go behind the scenes and hear to what the crew had to see. During times, there will be moments that you can access in-deph material thats not on the original documentries.


-Final Fantasy X preview. A great preview with footage of Final Fantasy X which is comming to US on January 2002.


-Trailers. Watch the teaser and theatrical trailer. Unforunatly, Coombia had the need to pimp some of its movies onto the disc. The Men and Black trailer is in there (and its halarious!) with Starship troopers and Metropolis.


-Audio commentaries. While watching the movie, you can listen to Moto Sakakibara, Hiroyuki Hayashia, Tatsuro Maruyama, Takoo Noguchi, Andy Jones, Chriss S. Capp, and Tani Kunitake comments.


-Score. Isolated score withElliot Goldenthral Commentary.


-Alternate Opening Sequence. Very interesting. But I like the one they used for the movie better.


-Joke Outakes. Funny stuff. Wish there were more.


-Final Fantasy Shuffler. Re-Edit a scene to where you see fit and see the final product.


-Character/Vehicle information. Everything you need to know about characters and vehicles used in the movie. From the vehicles height to the Character's birthdate.


-Aki's Dream. Watch all the dream sequences put together.


-Trailer Exporations. Learn how they put the trailer together.


-Matte Art Exporations/Composititng Builds, Sets and Props, storyboards. Theres so much of them, its not funny.


-Gray Poject. No comment.


-DVD-ROM exclusives. Weblinks, Sceensaver, Virual Tour of Square pictues, Complete Screenplay.



----------Secret Extras------------


The real fun stuff that they didnt want you to see. I'll tell you the good ones and you can find the rest yourself.


Michael Jackson/Final Fantasy video- Go to the second page of the Highlights Menu and you'll see it way in the bottom-left hand corner.


Aki's bikini video-Cant say no to this huh? Go to the 1st disc where the DVD-ROM suff is. Push you up button two times.


Gray and Aki's dinner- Highlight the 'Highlight Menu' button on the main menu. Press your right button then your down buton.


-Thats not all. But you can find the rest yourself.


==============CLOSING STATEMENTS======



If you liked the movie, then you will love the DVD.


Pros: Everything that it offered. The extras, the movie quality, everything.


Cons: If Colombia wanted to pimp their stuff, then perhaps they can do it elsewere.


Grade: A

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Guest Rune Haako

I liked the outtakes, myself. Funny AND easy to find.


My 4 Pf.



...a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other, a girl on my lap and life is beautiful!

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Heh - no fair !

We in ol' Blighty have to wait till Jan 23rd 2002!

I am SOOOOO gonna buy it though !

Square Pictures - nice job boys - keep it coming.



Nova Squadron, the Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the Nebulon B Frigate 'Oracle', home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - SSDs (See our work with the Iron Fist !) !'

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Damn, I have to wait until my brother brings it to me on christmas.


To make everything fair nobody will be allowed to watch it befor I do, so don't until christmas!!! wink.gif

<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited November 11, 2001).]

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No matter how many times I watch it, I will never be able to figure out why the evil general dude turned off the New York sheild.



You're supposed to be dumpster-diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken McNobody!


Official forum Psychic


[This message has been edited by Taarkin (edited November 12, 2001).]

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Let's see:

1) Evil general fiddles with barrier controls

2) Phantoms get into city and kill everyone

3) Evil general says "What have I done?"




You're supposed to be dumpster-diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken McNobody!


Official forum Psychic

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Guest Hans The Great

This is an excellent film, it blows me away every time that I watch it. The DVD version of the first Star Trek film just came out, and that is just as amazing too.

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I just watched it for the first time tonight.


I'm really glad I watched it alone, and at 1 AM, too... Cause when I watch movies late at night, I see the underlying meanings of everything... Something that doesn't happen during the day.


I wish I had friends that thought as deeply as I do. All my friends would do is talk about her hair moving, or bi*ch about it being anime (they seem to be biased against it)... But that's like watching The Matrix for the special effects alone, or Full Metal Jacket just for the war scenes.


But I'm getting off-topic... I'll keep going on this in a new thread.


The movie definatly ranks as one of the top 5 most thought-provoking movies I've ever seen. I'll buy the DVD as soon as I get a DVD player...





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"


[This message has been edited by Nitro (edited November 25, 2001).]

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Guest garyah99

I must sadly admit that I rented this movie last week, and, while I thought it was marvelous piece of computer animation and special effects, I really missed the point of the whole thing. What are these "phantoms" in the first place, and how did they get to Earth in the second place? What could some outer space ghostly life form possibly have to do with an "Earth having a soul" myth, and how could they possibly interact with this Earthly "soul"? And finally; did this movie have anything whatsoever to do with the "Final Fantasy" video game series, and if so; what?? I seem to recall the VG series was a sword and sorcery fantasy game.


Thank you for your patience.

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1. The phantoms were from a meteor that crashed on Earth years before the story takes place.


2. About the FF game question-it doesnt tie in to it at all. Each Final Fantasy game is completely different then another. But some refrences in the games are copied in the movie. (The planet living thing comes from FF7.)

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It is decent. I bought the DVD because it looks really good, but the plot isn't any better (and I'd say it is a bit worse for the lack of character development) than some of the FF games.


Of course, the whole Gaia thing isn't a good way to get me excited about the plot. smile.gif

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I finally did ! My brother got me the special edition DVD for christmas but I couldn't see it right away because my computer was dead, it still is by the way. So I just asked a friend if I could see it in his mini theatre he has in his house (so cool, the sound was perfect...) and today was the day.


Well the movie is cool but I think that it's just too different from the Final Fantasy series we know from the games, so different that maybe the title "Final Fantasy" wasn't apropriate for this film. Anyways that doesn't mean it wasn't good, I liked it.


I personally would have really liked a movie that is as close as possible to the games, with sword fights, summons, espers, Infrit, Shiva, materia AND not to forget, Magitek suits ! :D

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