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[TSL]misterious woman. who's this?


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take a look at N_jedmast4h.tpc, it's right after N_jedmast2h (Master Vash). an early alternative to Vash? a cut jedi master perhaps? i thought maybe someone who's been restoring the modules for M4-78 could tell me if she was supposed to be Kaah before they decided Lonna's apprentice had to be a male, strings in dialog.tlk seem to indicate the Exile was supposed to meet Kaah so there has to be a .utc file in some module (if the appearance in the blueprint matches the misterious woman…)


…she could even be the jedi Atton speaks of, most unlikely though

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take a look at N_jedmast4h.tpc, it's right after N_jedmast2h (Master Vash). an early alternative to Vash? a cut jedi master perhaps?


I doubt anyone but Obsidian knows the original purpose of that appearance, but she certainly looks way to young to be a Jedi Master, IMHO, so I'm glad she isn't used in that capacity in the game. Maybe the developers felt the same. :) It seems to me the head model and texture is just a heavily modified variant of Bastila anyway.


From what I've read, Vash's apprentice or Kaevee has both been suggested as possible "owners" of that appearance, though personally I don't think it would fit for either role.


As for the M4-78 modules they are pretty much empty as they came with the game, just some random droids are present in them. No other NPC templates present from what I remember.

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From what I've read, Vash's apprentice or Kaevee has both been suggested as possible "owners" of that appearance
Never heard of Kaevee :| there's a wiki on her though, and some lines in dialog.tlk, she sounds much younger than 17. looks like Disciple replaced her as protector of the enclave sublevels.
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She is gonna be in TSL restoration projekt, they probaly figure out what she was doing there. So just wait for them to finish and you will see who she is


As much as I look forward to the result of the Restoration Team's labor, unless they have interviewed the Obsidian designers of TSL, the restoration will be that team's interpretation of how things should be. It is no more "official" or canon than your or my opinion just because it is made to be in a certain way in the Restoration mod. The restoration project is a fan project after all and not officially endorsed by LucasArts or Obsidian.


Which is completely fine, that's what modding is about after all, modifying a game to better conform to how you envision it should be. :)


Anyway, as far as I have seen there is no conclusive evidence in the game that this appearance was indeed meant for Kaevee. The label in appearance.2da would suggest otherwise. But then, as said, she doesn't look much like a Jedi Master either so that may not be of importance. It wouldn't be the first mismatch between appearance name and character ingame name. :)

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As much as I look forward to the result of the Restoration Team's labor, unless they have interviewed the Obsidian designers of TSL, the restoration will be that team's interpretation of how things should be.
that's what i always thought, and why i wasn't all excited when i first heard about it. i believe there isn't any "how it was meant to be" to work with, only dangling ideas, some meant to be dropped and some that had to be, how would they know one from another? even if they could, you can't put things the way they were meant, all of them, without messing up the storyline as it is now. still i am much into what ifs, so… :)
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