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I respecified my profession. Also, I need members for my guild!


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I am now a spy. Bounty Hunting got kinda boring...not enough non-jedi marks to target, and npc hunting got old.


So, i am a spy, it's pretty fun being able to vanish, i haven't dueled or pvp'd yet, just basically chillin in stealth mode, which is fun.



I also changed my guild name from Narglatch Gang to Narglatch Stalkers.


I am in need of members. I'll accept any profession as long as you are not affiliated with the rebel alliance, unless it's only the pilot part so i'll accept neutral rebels as Imperial Spies.


The guild is to be like an information agency for the imperials, so we'll be covertly 'stalking' the enemy


for instance, I will assign each member or the whole guild a member of the opposite faction to watch, and report where he lives, where his guild hall is, who he hangs out with, and who his enemies are, once the information is complete, we will attempt to sell the information to his enemies, or offer it to the highest bidder.



So, in a way it will be roleplaying a 'spynet operative', but with the ability to play as any profession as to catch the enemy unaware.

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heh, i respec'd back. spy is a joke of a profession. Not as profitable, and how the hell am i supposed to spy on people with only 2 minute of stealth.....well, i guess it's alright, just i would have preferred having a 'track player' ability. hopefully they'll bring that in expertise tree. that would rock.

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