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i know it is possible to make puppets for your characters, i'm just wondering if its possible to make them human-shaped or will they all be floating balls? and if they can resemble normal people, can you equip them with cloths, weapons, possible force powers and the whole nine......

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another thing i want to clear up is this, and it ties in with my "master of puppets" idea.


regardless of you alignment - is therea mod to get both crush and elightenment? also, the jive with prestige class, is there a mod that will give you all possible class force powers (camaflauage, rage, or whatever else) regardless of the title you choose: weapons master/maraduer, watchman/assasin or sith lord/jedi master?





its all part of my final plan and the more i know - the sooner my plan comes together

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I believe those powers can only be used if you have that certain class. With crush/enlightenment if you are not the alignment of the power, you cannot use it. You can get both, but you can only use a max of one at a time -- that depends on your alignment. Sorry, but the answer is no for your questions. Unless.... maybe Stoffe or D3 has a scripting solution for you?


Looks like I am wrong again. I guess I got Enlightenment confused with Inspire Followers.


Sorry! :(



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I believe those powers can only be used if you have that certain class. With crush/enlightenment if you are not the alignment of the power, you cannot use it. You can get both, but you can only use a max of one at a time -- that depends on your alignment. Sorry, but the answer is no for your questions. you?


If you mean the Force Crush power (and not Crush Opposition) and the Force Enlightenment power (and not Inspire Followers), given after the Dantooine Enclave meeting, then there is no inherent alignment limitation built into those. The only limitation is that the game will (normally) only give you one of them depending on your alignment. But once you get them it doesn't matter what alignment you are, they will work the same anyway. :)

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Is there a mod that let you ("you" = principal character) have a puppet ?

Thank you.

You have also probably noticed that your main player character is missing from the Party Table. This character is handled separately and is not stored in the party table. This means that you cannot assign a puppet to the Exile. Only party members can have puppets.


This also means that if your puppet owner gets assigned as the temporary main character (such as being the lead on G0T0's yacht, Mira, Atton or T3 on their solo adventurers, or the Group leader in the Dxun Tomb), their puppet will vanish until they return to being a normal party member again.

Sorry the Main character cannot have a puppet. FYI this info is in the first thread I linked to above. ;)

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