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i've been searching but i couldn't find a thread with a complete list, there's some content i'm not sure about so i wanted to check out. the dialog on the Ebon Hawk btw Disciple and T3, and the one with Atton interrogating Disciple about that republic transmission, i never got those, i'd like to know if they've indeed been cut or if it takes something i haven't figured out yet. i hope some mod doesn't mind if this thread already existed buried somewhere or blinking before my eyes :)

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Can't remember seeing those either. The Ebon Hawk cutscenes are triggered by the scripts k_003ebo_enter.nss and a_next_scene.nss that luckily have been decompiled by stoffe -mkb-. :) The function TriggerCutscenes() contains all the conditions for the cutscenes. I believe the cutscenes you are looking for are CUTSCENE_CUT_ATTON_DISC_3 and CUTSCENE_CUT_T3_DISC_HOLO. You can use Kotor FindRefs to see where (or if at all) the neccessary globals are set.

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long dreamed to have those scripts decompiled :D thanks! i don't get it though, more than once did i get both fights btw Atton and Disciple, two jedi found and yet still that never happend^ with that source code however, i'm sure it'll be easy to get everything working. thanks again!

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