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Instant Death Lightsabers

Trafford Devil

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Hi all, is it possible to make instant death lightsabers for KOTOR1? I've been looking all over but can't seem to find any for KOTOR1. I know NewDigger made an excellent mod for TSL. If anyone has the time to make it, I and many other lazy bums like me who want to use this cheat under the guise of 'realism' would greatly appreciate it.

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Come on! It is easy! You will need to open for example first of all blue lightsaber, change it's tag and ResRef, In parameters, add On Hit and choose Instant Death, then DC of it. I have not too much time but it requires only two minutes, may be i'll do them. ANSWER this questions please:

1) you want to make it with new crystals?

2) should they be upgardeable?

3) what DC of Instant death should I use?

4) If you want, you may download my Instant-kill grenade for KII, it is good stuff, escpecially about effects and ghosts

5) I don't want to create new colors, sorry.

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Ok, I've made them, all double and single-bladed lightsabers except of Bastila's lightsaber. Where to place them? I mean in what dialog or in what store or in what placeable or after death of scecific character or to spawn them in new placeable? And the second: should I create script that will give you yellow single and double bladed lightsabers if you are Sentinel, and will not allow you to have other colors lightsabers? Or should I give it to party member?

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wow! you're fast, could you just give them custom names so i could get them using the give_item cheat?


anyways cause you suggested that it was easy after hours and hours of experimenting, it's now 5AM where I am, and thoroughly reading Achilles's Tutorial I've also made one instant death lightsaber!


anyways i was wondering how do you place items in specific places? and if i want to make an instant death blaster would i have to hexedit the model as well?


and finally thanks for taking the time to help me out! :waive1:

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I've finished IK lightsabers with color crystal, color is not really good, but it is compatible with double and single-bladed lightsabers and short lightsabers too. (actually it is standard green lightsaber color, just more bright. But crystal icon is new :)) You may download it from this link. I think it id better than previous. Just don't forget to enter this in console: "giveitem g_w_sbrcrstl31" Now you may upgrade your lightsabers. You will need to hex-edit something only if you want to give it your texture, and as Red Hawke said there is already kill blaster and kill stick. About placing items.

Non-scripting methods.

The easiest way in KI (because it is very bad for KII) is to edit placeables. For example open RIMs/danm15_s/Blueprint, Placeables/dan13_nemobody.utp. See inventory button? Click on it. It is easy to add the existing item (drag-and-drop), to add your custom item drag-and-drop the existing item and change its RsRef to Template ResRef of your custom item. Save this utp in your Override directory. The second way - to place item in stores. .utm files - are stores, they have inventory button too. It is thhe same with placeables. Sorry for short description (mytime is limited). After creatures death is to add to creatures inventory item like with placeables. After its death you will get item.

Scripting methods

First of all let's start from the best way for KII. Spawning items.

Here is the sample

void main ()
      CreateItemOnObject("TemplateResRefOfItem", GetObjectByTag ("TagOfPlaceable") );

This will spawn item with Template ResRef "TemplateResRefOfItem" in placeable with tag "TagOfPlaceable" .

It was basic script, just to spawn items in existing placeable.

Here is the script that will spawn placeable and items in it.

void main()
   	float x=0.00f; //Add here the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 1. 
   	float y=0.00f; //Add here the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 2.
   	float z=0.00f; //Add here the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 3.
   	float r=0.0f; // For orientation of the placeable, set in degrees.
   	vector MyVec = Vector(x,y,z);
   	location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, r);
   	object oLocker=CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PlaceableResRef", MyLoc);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl31", oLocker, 10);

This script will create placeable with Template ResRef "PlaceableResRef" on MyLoc, than it will spawn 10 items with with Template ResRef "g_w_sbrcrstl31".

Now about Merchants, if you want to create new store use this

void main() 
object oStore = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_STORE,"StoreResRef",GetLocation(GetFirstPC())); AssignCommand(GetFirstPC(), OpenStore(oStore, GetFirstPC()));

It will create store with Template ResRef "StoreResRef" on the main PC, yhen it will get PC and open store on it. Don't forget to attach this script in dialog of merchant, in something like "I want to see all items you have.".

Now standard item giver.

#include "k_inc_debug"

void main()
CreateItemOnObject("ItemResRef", GetFirstPC(), 42);

It will give 42 items to the main character.

If you need more scripting moethods ask me.

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it's alright, cause i didn't use the one you posted. had a look at it and then read Achilles's item edit walkthrough and figured it out. lol, it was pretty easy. I made my first one from reading the custom saber tutorial and was despairing. but creating it using kotor tool like you said only takes 2 minutes. :)

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hey do you know how to create custom colors for a double-bladed lightsaber? i've already made a custom double bladed sabre and on photoshop edited the w_lsabre<color>02.tga but it isn't changing the color in the game. i'm guessing i'm using the wrong image? if so where can i find the correct image? cause i figured that doble bladed sabres would have an image with the name w_dbl_lsabre<color>?

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hey do you know how to create custom colors for a double-bladed lightsaber? i've already made a custom double bladed sabre and on photoshop edited the w_lsabre<color>02.tga but it isn't changing the color in the game. i'm guessing i'm using the wrong image? if so where can i find the correct image? cause i figured that doble bladed sabres would have an image with the name w_dbl_lsabre<color>?



Did you hex edit the model?


And I don't think that it's named wrong, because if you hex that name, it should work.



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Double-bladed lightsabers creating on the same way with single-bladed, they may use the same textures, both need HEXing. Name can't be the problem, you ma yuse any name you want, but it is better to do it in games style.


Forgot to say that you'll better create new threasd in Holowan Labs for speaking about making it, modding request is for requests and disscussion.

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