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Revan's Items


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First of all, there have been several excellent packs for giving you items used by "Revan". However all come with a small price.


Redhawkes is excellent, although pretty overpowered, and you are swarmed with more lightsaber crystals and "Sith" items that you can make use of.


Then there is also the Revan 2.0 mod that makes it not only possible to have the robes loosely based of the cutscene (with a larger hood to minimize clipping) but also a mod that makes Revans mask its own seperate item. And as a matter of fact T7s version of the mask model (which if I am correct he crafted himself) is even better than the one Bioware released so its not as obtrusive.


This mod is very well done although the hood comes off as looking rather bloated. However these items were a bit better balanced in comparison though still gave a fair advantage.


But what I am really looking for is something that is not only balanced, but makes it so you can actually enjoy Revans items but not get them too early, or too late (Starforge) to actually enjoy them. What would probably be most enjoyable is getting them at two separate stages. For instance:


Recieve the mask when you first learn your Revan (Recieve from Malak during conversation, kinda like he tosses it to you as a taunting gesture) and then maybe recieve the robes from Bastilla at the temple on Rakatan Prime after you reclaim your title as Lord of the Sith.


Now just to make things clear, neither one of the above mods are anywhere near what I would consider "below par", I just tend to be very picky about these kinds of things.

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Well, step one would also be to describe exactly which items you want and how exactly you get them. Stats would be nice if you're 'particular' about such things. And changing the cutscene would be a bit tricky.

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I like your ideas of getting them, except for one thing.


I believe that in the original description of "Revan's Robes" found on the Star Forge it states that the original Robes, along with the mask, were destroyed by the Jedi Counsil, seeing as they had massive amounts of dark side energies flowing through them.


This next part im not quite is what it exactly says, but i think it says that the Star Forge could create robes SIMILAR to the originals, but never exactly alike them.


Just kinda pointing it out.

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