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Body dodge

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Hello, I have been playing this mod for a while now and it is great with the new saber system. I really like the way saber combat works on OJP Enhanced 0.09.


I have a suggestion about body dodge, though:


Since I am playing almost always only with bots, which includes both saber and gunner bots, I found it a bit 'unrealistic' that every gunner bot is dodging my saber swings for the first so many times. I was thinking about only making players able to body dodge, is when they have or are using the Force See/Sense power and that the DP cost would depend on the level of that Force power. Perhaps making people without Force Sense able to perform a body dodge one time at the cost of all their DP.


But hey, great work on the mod, it's way better than BaseJKA! I wanted to say some more things, but I forgot, perhaps later.

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Yeah, the body dodging for gunners is a tricky issue. Ideally, I'd like to have gunner players have more weapons, gadgets, etc, to make up for having little dodge, but that's something that hasn't been implimented yet.


That would be nice, but I still think the blaster weapons should be a bit stronger against DP so every gunner isnt scrambling to find an explosive weapon (mainly the rocket launcher) or maybe the repeater. Isnt it enough that gunners are completely vulnerable to force power?

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Im talking about raising it against jedis with saber. The gunner vs gunner combat I havent spent much time with. The thing is, even if we adopted MB2's blaster damage against sabers, OJP jedis would still be able to wipe the floor with most gunners, but at least they would have some prayer of doing enough DP damages to make the jedi a little more careful about their attack and delay getting slaughtered long enough to find a stronger weapon.


Honestly, we should just try to make it more balanced until we get some kind of class system that includes being able to control NPCs so its more movie realistic and more firepower. Maybe make blasters stronger and do the extra game points for killing jedis as a gunner like we discussed a bit before.

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...I'd like to have gunner players have more weapons, gadgets, etc, to make up for having little dodge...

Well, there are enough items you could give them when spawning:

  • Sentry Drone
  • Portable Assault Sentry
  • Bacta Tank and/or extra Shield Generator
  • Perhaps an E-11 blaster
  • Perhaps Thermal Detonators, since 'gunners' have grenades as well.

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