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Pics and Voices


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i was wondering if someone could make these things for me, for Kotor 1:


a portrait of:




The Aliens and Monsters.


a voice for revan,

a mod so you actually hear what option you choose in a dialog, and even if you change the voice with the KSE it will change the voice! (you and mission are talking... you say what happened to your brother... your character actually says it so you can hear what it sound like.)



thanks if you can help!!

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First, this is the wrong forum. This is a request, and you know it belongs in the Mod Request forums.


For your first idea, Yoda, Cutscene Revan, and Malak are plausible, but making a portrait for every creature in the game is inane.


For your second idea, saying every option in the game into a microphone is crazy. There must be 1000 responses.




Edit: Thanks for moving it RH, and sorry about the quote.

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It will not be done because it is implausible to make 2 different voices (read: 2 different modders), male and female, say everything that is possible to say in KotOR alone, not to mention K2. Let it drop. There are like 3000 entries between the two games and times two modders? That's 6000 sound files. It takes little skill, but a ton of time. After finding and then recording them all, they all need to be referenced in every single dialog file. No way.



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THe soundset you change in KSE isn't the chgarecters spoken voice via dialog, its what the charecter says out of dialog, like when Carth Screams "Down You Go!" or HK-47 Screams about the lock he can't pick.


Plus, the game would probabbly be alot longer and alot bigger with the PC saying its lines.

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