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I don't like starting a thread on Kotor III, but....


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I highly doubt that KotOR3 will be made for the PS3, exclusive or not, because of the reasons mentioned above. As far as RPGs and the 360 go well, I despise the Xbox and heres why.


I have never and will never own an Xbox/360/720/1080, why? Well I think Arátoeldar was the one who said, "the X-box and X-box 360 are mini PCs". I can't really think of a title that is Xbox/360 exclusive, meaning not also on the PC or on another console. The only game that comes to mind as being semi-exclusive is the Halo series, I say this because Halo was ported over to PC. That being said, it is my personal opinion that First-Person Shooter games are better suited for the PC, I've yet to see a controller for a console that can best the speed and accuracy of the mouse. That fact alone eliminates Halo from being the lone "reason to own a Xbox/360". Also in my opinion FPS games aren't very story driven, I know Halo fanboys will argue that Halo has a brilliant story, blah blah blah, but face it, FPS games are fairly linear, shoot and kill. That being said I only find fun out of the multiplayer aspects of FPS games and BF2 does a better job at that than Halo.


As far as the definitive Xbox/360 RPG, Oblivion, it can be played on the PC so I don't really see Oblivion as being a "reason to own a 360". The other definitive RPG for the Xbox, and the one we all really care about, KotOR can also be played an IMO is better played on the PC, why, one word: mods. I really don't see the Xbox/360 as having any outstanding, standout RPG titles and I don't think I will see any, anytime soon.


Sports games, fighting games, etc. etc., most popular franchises branch out to every system, no exclusivity whatsoever, period. Well fighting game are different, but every system has it's franchise, Xbox=DoA, PS=Tekken, Nin=SuperSmash:D:D:D.


Which brings me to my last genre, one which I feel favors consoles instead of PCs, that being the third-person shooters. As far as this genre of games goes and the Xbox/360, I can only really think of one game, that being Splinter Cell, but the only reason it was better on the Xbox than the PS was the better graphics and there were more extras for the Xbox ususally. However, that Gears of War game for the 360 does look promising, but it's not enough for me. Call me a Sony fanboy, I am, but I think Sony has the advantage in this genre as well, Metal Gear Solid, Syphon Filter, and even Splinter Cell is also on the PS.


My point, in short is this; buy a PC it will cover your Microsoft Gaming needs, then get another console, get a Wii or a PS3, that will fill your gaming needs in the areas that the PC can't or doesn't adaquately cover.



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Hey, maverick187! Just to spare Hannibal from the effort of having to post the link again (like he did for me :D), did you review the IGN article he linked to in posts #8 and 16 before you made the following statement?

As far as the definitive Xbox/360 RPG, Oblivion, it can be played on the PC so I don't really see Oblivion as being a "reason to own a 360". The other definitive RPG for the Xbox, and the one we all really care about, KotOR can also be played an IMO is better played on the PC, why, one word: mods. I really don't see the Xbox/360 as having any outstanding, standout RPG titles and I don't think I will see any, anytime soon.
So you haven't heard of BioWare's Mass Effect or don't consider it likely to be an outstanding Xbox 360 title? And what about Lionhead Studios Fable 2? Both are supposed to be Xbox 360 exclusive although I'm greatly hoping Mass Effect will eventually get ported to PC. If it follows the path of Jade Empire though it will be over a year after the Xbox 360 version is released before that happens. :(
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So you haven't heard of BioWare's Mass Effect or don't consider it likely to be an outstanding Xbox 360 title? And what about Lionhead Studios Fable 2? Both are supposed to be Xbox 360 exclusive although I'm greatly hoping Mass Effect will eventually get ported to PC. If it follows the path of Jade Empire though it will be over a year after the Xbox 360 version is released before that happens. :(


I have, it just isn't out yet, so I didn't feel like dragging it into my discussion, but perhaps my overall point wasn't very clear. My overall point is that most Xbox exclusive titles, are better suited for the PC anyway, and seeing how the Xbox is basically a mini-PC it wouldn't exactly be a stretch to port said titles to either system. No doubt you would rather have the Mass Effect engine for a PC game right? As far as Fable, I never really got into that game, looks kinda like an elf-ish fantasy world game, just never got into it, kinda like I never really got into the Zelda series. IMO any games that are for the Xbox and not the PC, are that way just because M-soft wants to convince you to buy a Xbox, when you don't need to, they want your dinero.

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It would be a shame if K3 was X360 only (as Mass Effect is). I will not buy a console for one (or two) games. My money went into my computer. If they want to release Mass Effect and K3 for the PC, I will buy them. If not, I will be pissed, but I will not buy a console to play them.

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