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Influence Factor

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I played the game as a Female and got seven influence points with Atton and five with the Disciple, yet after the council thing the Disciple still came to see me with the whole love thing. I thought since I had more influence with Atton he would of joined my exile on there way to Telos. Can someone explain this? Or is it that the Disciple always pops up no matter if you have high influence with Atton and nothing with Mical?

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I vaguely recall Mical using the word "love" on the Ebon Hawk after Dantooine, the first time I played, but ever since then I've never had any kind of romantic scene with him (he just talks about the female PC not forsaking them like she did in Exile). Did I really miss something? I only recently saw the (quite worthwhile) jealousy scene between Atton and Mical, because usually by the time I get to Dantooine the first time, I've already got high influence with Atton -- my last playthrough I made a point of keeping away from Atton.


And what's this about Visas appearing after the council for females, too? Never seen it.

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