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Party disappear


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I've just borrowed KOTOR 2 from a friend and I've just completed the mission in which you control the droid on Telos in order to infiltrate Certza's building and steal some documents.

No sooner did I complete that and come in control of my own character when I realized something.


Where the devil had my party gone?


Anyone have any clues? I've searched for them and jammed on some buttons but...They're prettttty gone. Poof.

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Yes, this happens to me as well so I guess it's just the way the game plays.


You need to go to the Party Selection screen and add Atton and Kreia back into your party. It's a good idea to do this fairly quickly, as you will find yourself in a serious firefight not too long after you complete the mission with B4D4.


Sounds like you're playing TSL on the Xbox so what I think you need to do is press the START button then trigger over to the frame that has 3 head portraits on it, the one in the center being larger than the two on the sides. That is the Party Selection screen.

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