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Questions about Genoharadan Bounties


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I was in a mood to go back and play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I hadn't played it as a dark side character before. I wanted to do that. I received that datapad which tells you to meet Hulas on Manaan and come alone. I've done that. I killed the prisoner in the Republic Enclave he wanted me to kill. I also killed Ithorak that he wanted me to kill. I have two bounties left. One is Rulan, the shapeshifting alien on Kashyyyk,and Vorn, the Gammorean hunting Krayt dragons on Tatooine. After that I'm supposed to be able to join the Genoharadan. So I've got some questions. Where on Kashyyyk is Rulan? Where on Tatooine is Vorn Daasraad? Thanks. I appreciate the feedback.



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Rulan is in the shadowlands. He'll be in the shape of a wookiee at first, then when you fight him, he'll turn into one of those monkey-things and run away. Follow him to a clearing with a whole bunch of monkey-things hang out, and squash away (beware DS points) until you waste the right one.


Vorn is in the sandpeople territory beside the exit to the Eastern Dune sea. You have the option to meddle with his battledroid, or just clobber them both. Head back to Hulas, collect your reward, and learn the horrible secret. Then get set to head back to Tattooine.


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