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Freelancer to SWG...few Questions


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Hello SW Galaxy ppl,

Iam (V)alicious, me and a few off my freinds are currently downloading SWG atm, We are from Freelancer. Just a few questions.


* Is it one giant server (like EvE)

* How old is this game, is it very active?

* What are the clans like (guilds) are there many battles ect ect.


any tips would be helpfull. Thanks


add me to ur msn if u wish malicious_evil@hotmail.com

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there are a few servers to join....i'm on starsider, a few others that post here are on sunrunner, kettemoor, bria, and kauri i think.


there are guilds and stuff...there's a main battle going on right now at a city on Rori. I would say after seeing as many people as I did last night that it is pretty active (pvp-wise anyways)...

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