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Fanfics by Author

Jae Onasi

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This is a list of fanfics in the Archives by author.

I'll list them alphabetically by first letter of the first word in the 'name'. For example, the name 'Jae Onasi' will be listed under 'J' instead of 'O'.



Eternal Darkness (link)

Fade to Black (link)

Forbidden Love (link)

The Unforgiven (link)

Until It Sleeps (link)



Final Breath (link)

Virgin Sands (link)


Anakin Skywalker:

Atton vs. The Droids (link)

The Double Love Story (link)

The Mandalorian Wars (link)


Ar-Pharazôn the Golden:

Adorerer and Somebody.... (Non-SW)(link)

my poem (link)


CSI: Nihilus:

Star Wars: CSI Coruscant Episode 1 (link)

Star Wars: CSI Nar Shaddaa Episode 1 (link)


Daft Adidas:

Crystal Island (link)



It Is to Me (link)

The Lost of the Jedi (link)


Darth Aida:

Betrayal by Force (link)


Darth Balatro:

Imposter (link)

Imposter II: The Rising Darkness (link)



Revan's Poem (link)

Revan's poem #2 (link)


Darth Saruman (aka Darth Grivis):

Star Wars: Darth Yoda 1: The Power of the Dark Side (link)

Star Wars: Darth Yoda 2: The Dark Civil War


Star Wars: Gizor Dellso's Victory (link)

Star Wars: Hunger of the Force (link)

Star Wars: Revealed (link)

Star Wars: The Battles in the Unknown Regions (link)

Star Wars: The Dark Trooper Project


Star Wars: The Early Path of Jaden (link)

Star Wars: The Fight is Over (link)

Star Wars: The Jedi Purge's Failure (link)

Star Wars: The Path to Darkness (link)

Star Wars: The Rise of Darth Plagues (link)

Star Wars: The Rise of Desann (link)

Star Wars: The Rise of Xanatos (link)

Star Wars: The Survivors of the Battle (link)

Star Wars: The War of the Dead (link)

Star Wars: The Way of Bendak Starkiller (link)

Star Wars: The Way of Corruption and the Rise of Tyber Zann's Empire (link)

The Jedi Order (link)

The Sith Order(link)

The Way of Darth Vorges (link)



Consumed (link)

Return of the Gizka (link)


Emperor Devon:

Beneath the Surface (link)


Empress Padme:

Star Wars:KoToR3-fanfic (link)


Ferc Kast:

[NSW]The Dreamed Memory (link)



Freefall (link)

Inner Darkness Chronicles (link)

Insomnia (link)

No Escape (link)

Reason to Kill (link)

Scars of War (link)

The True Teachings I: Heir of Darkness (link)

The True Teachings II: Forbidden Knowledge (link)

The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army (link)

The True Teachings IV: Fate of the Future (link)


Jabba da Butt:

Never Trust a Hutt: Travels of Kavar Part 1 (link)


Jae Onasi:

Czerka Public Relations (link)

Heroes of the Republic: The Post-event Interview (link)

It's Just A Little Thing (link)

Love's Treachery (link)

Pookie (link)

Statement on the New Six Degrees of Canon (link)

The Adventures of Jolee Bindo (link)

The Smile (link)


Jason Skywalker:

A Twist of Fate (link)

Saviour, Conqueror, Hero, Villain (link)

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Heroes (link)

The Christmas of Ewan Katarn (link)

Vengeance of the Dark Lord (link)



Master's Night Out (link)



A Box of Lies (link)

Asking for Forgiveness (link)

Broken Wounds Heal (link)

Drunken Moments (link)

Jolee's Gizka (link)

Love and Kisses (link)

Love is Forgiveness (link)

Mandalorian Measures (link)

Memories Do Help (link)

New Rays of Life (link]

Promises (link)

Sandtrap (link)

Teachings of a Mandalore (link)

The Hardest Thing (link)


John Skywalker:

Star Wars: The Adventures of John Skywalker (link)



Prophecies of the Dark: Part I - Son of the Sith (link)



A Daring Duty: a bounty hunter's tale...(link)

Star Wars: Evil Transformation (link)



Star Wars: The Beginning [thread=167886](link)[/thread]

Warrior (link)



Survival of the Bombardment (link)



Love and Tranquility (link)

What He Truly Was (link)



Darkness Rising (link)

Darth Bastila-Power of the Dark Lady (link)

Darth Revan: Return of the Dark Lord (link)

Echoes of Darkness (link)

Farewells (link)

Jedi Forces Part I-Shadows of War (link)

Lone Free Mercenary (link)

Once Friends, Now Enemies (link)

The Adventures of Jaden Lennon (link)

The Christmas of the Jedi Exile (link)

The Power of Love (link)

The Sith Lord [thread=167903](link)[/thread]

The Way of the Dark Side (link)

The Young Jedi Exile (link)

Unsatisfied Hunger (link)


RC 1162:

Galactic Conquest I: The Rise of the Imperials [thread=171053](link)[/thread]

Mace Windu: Jedi Master Reborn [thread=167950](link)[/thread]

There is no emotion... [thread=171052](link)[/thread]


Revan Master of Darkness:

The Destruction of Telos (link)



Star Wars: The Beginning of the Galactic Empire [thread=167893](link)[/thread]

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic III: The Second Sith War (link)



Star Wars: Invisible Hope (link)

Star Wars: Victim of Betrayal (link)



Episode 3.2 - Revenge of the Sith Revisited (link)



Star Wars Legacy: In Her Eyes.... (link)



Nic and Jana: A Mercenary's Tale (link)



Betrayal and Retribution: Perceived Reality (link)

Betrayal and Retribution: Potential Energy (link)


The Doctor:

Ease of Darkness (link)

Historical Revelation (link)

Misplaced Trust (link)

Rule Number One (link)

Shattered Love, Shattered Faith (link)


Topsite (see also: Pottsie)

I Couldn't Leave You (link)

The Sera Tana Saga--Short Fanfiction (link)



The Empire's Will (link)



Lessons in Pazaak (link)



Star Wars: Incarnation of Evil (link)



Star Wars: Defiance (link)

Star Wars: Tython Ties Episode 1: The Great Schism (link)

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