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WIP Ryyk Blade


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The game will smooth all polys that are attached to one another. So if you want a sharp edge on the blade you will want to detach one side from the other.
Now that is some helpful news. I wondered why things looked so strange... Talk about inefficiency, though :p.


Edit: Only took me about 10 minutes to separate everything, and the result is much nicer than the original.



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For those that complained I added another model variant without the ridge. I plan on using the ridgeless one, which also has silver trim rather than gold, as Zaalbar's blade, and the more ornate-looking on as Chuundar's.




It's basically done, minus testing of course. And icons...

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It was quite easy to take it out (far easier than I expected - just had to do some texture touchups) and it worked well since I did want two variations of the blade anyway. Now there's something for everyone :p.

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I'm just curious whether people would prefer the Ryyk blades be Wookiee only or available to everyone. In terms of realisticness, I'd prefer to make them Wookiee only, but even I'll admit that I hardly ever use Zaalbar, and I don't think the Ryyk blades would be enough incentive for me to use him, and I'm guessing some people would feel the same way. Any thoughts?

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You can write the description to make it sound like only wookiee's should use them, but just leave it up to the player to decide. Or you can make alternate uti's, one with the restriction and one without.


Ultimately the decision is up to you and if people don't like it then they can learn how to change it. I personally make my mods they way I would want to play them, because I know there is no way to satisfy everyone.

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I forget which of the P-n-P resources I read this in (probably the weapons guide) but they say that Wookiees don't take kindly to non-Wookiees using their weapons. You could just write that into the description (as T7 suggested) or make it a restricted item. Restricted is probably more "role play" but either way works.

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