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What I'm looking for Monkey 5


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Guest The Feral Chicken

Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

In my opinion, MI4 lacked on humor. Anyone really laughed once when talking to Meathook or Murray?


I didn't laugh at Meathook, I laughed at Roger wink.gif





Money isn't everyting, but it helps


Steve Chicken



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I want Ron Back as Well!!!


Plus, in te first two games, wasn't herman a clear, respected and philosophical character?




I agree that the game designers should be forced to play MI 1 and 2 and finsished them both to get a good idea about how to go about making the next one!



"I Trust You About As Far As I Can Throw Manhattan!"

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An idea which I quite liked (taken from my MI fangame) was in order for Guybrush to acquire money at one point, he had to sue the three barber pirates from the Barbery Coast, who were now a successful band touring the Carribbean. You see, their big hit was 'Monkey In My Pocket' written by one G Threepwood, and he hasn't getting his royalties!

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If Lucasarts had the time (which they probably wouldnt) I think that it would be cool if they brang out MI & MI2 joined together in the same game with completely new graphics engine (but with the same storyline etc)

I know it sounds pretty crummy but I personally would like to play MI & MI2 remade in the same game. At the end of MI they should say something like "YEARS LATER" then it begins the first chapter of MI2.

I'm pretty crappy at explaining but does anyone get my drift?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get your drift, and I think it would be cool, but would so many people buy it to make it worthwhile for LA?



"That was supposed to send you to an alternate dimension of pain and horror, not the next room!" -LeChuck

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i found a project on the web about a 3d monkey island using the half-life angine. actually it was melee island... but they scrapped that and started plunder island. some shots were posted on the site and it looked amazing! the barbarey coast, the bridge, etc. this would be cool, not as a real MI game but to play using half-life.

i think they really need to get the feel of MI2 back into the games, less cartoony-ness (if that's a word).

i agree that the first two games had the best inventory systems with all the verbs. i would love to recreate melee island in 3d but im crap with textures. if there's anyone who specialized in textures... y'know...

anyway, monkey 5 should incorporate all of these things. old characters instead of so many new ones. and less locations to visit over a short time. in the first 2 games, hours and hours were spent in the same locations (execpt there was more to explore and do) and i became familiar withthem. in MI4 i felt it was a sloppy rush thru lucre and jambalaya.

i liked the revisit to melee and monkey tho, but was anyone else disappointed by the lack of... err, was anyone else disappointed by how monkey island was so different? what was that lava thing all about? i was looking forward to seeing the cannibals... oh well

to summarize:

less 3d, more 2d


longer and funnier

more retro feel


not that i didn't like MI4--





That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen! -- Guybrush

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With all these comments, I have one main thing to say, like everyone else: Bring Back the Mouse!

I don't think that MI1 and MI2 had the best system, as pretty much all of those verbs could be condensed into the hand from MI3, which I think had the best control system. I pretty much liked MI3 the best, and MI5 needs to be more cartoony.

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