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Star Wars Miniatures


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Alright, because my old thread was locked, I'll open a new one for discussion about the Star Wars miniatures collectible game. This is allowed, right? I mean, this is an area for discussion where "anything goes, whether it be Star Wars related or not". My other thread was even SW related, but anyhow, that's not relevant...


Anybody else play SWM? I've got into the game shortly after the release of Universe Huge. General Discussion.


The reason your first thread was closed was because it was promoting another forum in the post itself. This isnt allowed. However, feel free to discuss SWM to your hearts content. You are allowed to link to your forum in your sig if you feel its that important !! - Astro

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Alright, because my old thread was locked, I'll open a new one for discussion about the Star Wars miniatures collectible game. This is allowed, right? I mean, this is an area for discussion where "anything goes, whether it be Star Wars related or not". My other thread was even SW related, but anyhow, that's not relevant...


Well really this should be in the Collecting section ;)


And theres a old thread already in there for the SW miniatures http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=136896


Anyway i have a fair few of these i dont play the game but i like the figures *well so far the ones i've gotten in the Champions of the force set have be horrible and really poor so im not a fan of them ones*


Also has anyone seen the new Star wars miniature Starship battle game that's coming out? im deffinatley gonna be picking them up theres like 60 odd starship miniatures although i cant imagine them being greatly detailed im sure they'll be pretty fun to collect and the starter box comes with a big mon cal and SSD!!!

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Also has anyone seen the new Star wars miniature Starship battle game that's coming out?

I just saw some pics of them in your thread about it in the Collecting forum, does that count? :D


Still though, it sounds cool. I have always been a fan of starship miniatures games from way back.

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